Trumps Golf cost $73,181,957.00. Kid nda takes the sting out of Muellers $30M

Well I think its deeper than that. Obviously he has built ip scenarios in his head and repeated them so often he believes them real when in reality they are just his made up fantasy with no basis in reality

Remember Larry Craig and Mark Foley and their anti-gay votes and rhetoric? And that pastor. What was his name? Ted Haggard. Thatā€™s it.

What pics? Someone got them deleted.

I didnā€™t bring it up. The posts prove that.

Sad that michelle is the most masculine obama.

Itā€™s definitely weird.

Being a good husband and father doesnā€™t matter to these cretins when defining masculinity.

dont forget the people who were spreading the ā€œwasting diseaseā€ rumors as wellā€¦

Blaming me for you getting triggered. LOL!

Not normal aging

For anyone.

Dudeā€™s got something going on.

The only thing Iā€™m blaming you for is bringing it up in the first place.


Sadly its obvious you are confused at this point. I suggest you embrace whatever is fouling you and get it out of your system. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose

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I think it fairly obvious and we all can agree whats going on here

Sheā€™s a brute.

And not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that anyway.

Gay bashing is not cool.

Twice in one post, a poster refers to Obama ā€œsettlingā€ for a black woman, Michelle.

Such a scumbag move.

Gotta love when the obvious racism flows on this board.


thatā€™s funny.

you should thank whomever it was. it didnā€™t make you look good.

thatā€™s the funniest part of the whole ā€œObama is gayā€ thing. the man is married with two kids, loves his wife and is a great dad.

No, thatā€™s actually pretty normal presidential aging.

what does that mean?

The obsession some have with his sexuality in light of that is bizarre, borderline creepy. Itā€™s like some sort of fetish.

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