Trump's billion-dollar "Death Star"

Can you see the difference between birtherism…or QAnon- versus the Mueller investigation?

Sure. There are a lot of differences. In the end, Mueller, to his credit, didn’t try to push some fake charge. But this whole Russia thing should never have gone on like it did. According to Horowitz, it was started based on “credible allegations” (which turned out not to be that credible). As one dead end followed another, instead of giving it up they just went fishing for more.
It was ten times worse than what Trump was trying to do with Biden.


You obviously didn’t watch Rudy’s fantastically farcical OAN “documentary”.


Mueller uncovered Russian interference in the election and corruption within the Trump administration that led to convictions for crimes. He also detailed many multiple cases of obstruction by Trump and said he could not exonerate Trump. He was appointed by a Trump appointee.

Compare that to endlessly saying that Obama is likely an illegitimate president because he is Kenyan (Trump).

Big difference right?


Those are just facts, I don’t know why you consider that conspiracy.

That article is the biggest load of fact free crap you’ve posted so far. Congratulations. You’ve outdone even yourself

Says the uneducated one.

Be proud of it. Trump likes you.

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Benghazi, Birtherism, QAnon, Pizzagate, Crowdstrike, Uranium One, Biden/Burisma…

So many people stuck in loops of bizarre fantastical conspiracies that make zero sense when you probe just a tiny bit.

But somehow they are weaponized into disinformation campaigns that the gullible slurp down.

“No evidence of collusion.” They still just can’t get over it. Remember “Will you accept the results of the Mueller report”?

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You are thoroughly confused as to what I said. Thoroughly. Go back to the beginning and start again.

Mueller investigation: Russian interference uncovered, evidence of Trump obstruction, no exoneration, multiple Trump cronies convicted. Real.

Benghazi, crowdstrike, Burisma, pizzagate, QAnon, Birtherism. Not real.

Pretty simple.

Where has the Trump campaign called any of their programmes the death star? Where have the Trump campaign said they have a dats base that includes voter’s favourite colours? The entire article is a fantasy cooked up by some failing Hollywood screenwriter, or worse.

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He’s outlining the entire bedrock of Trumpism…crazy bizarre conspiracy theories cooked up to rile up the gullible and packaged as tens of thousands of false conspiracy stories to FB and social media.

Hey let’s see…

Do you believe some of these are real?

Benghazi, Birtherism, QAnon, Pizzagate, Crowdstrike, Uranium One, Biden/Burisma

Then you’ve probably been won over by the disinformation campaigns that peddle lies as truth in order to win elections.

That’s the Death Star.

Where is the propagandists evidence for his claims. There is absolutely none in the article. It’s all a globalist conspiracy theory.

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Because its trump doing it.

Tell us more about this clever…as you put it… GASLIGHTING campaign.

Sounds very devious and effective.

Tough to counter. Exhausting to targets and rivals.


My guess? This is the new sheople food being fed to the sheople, so that when they hear the truth about what happened at the highest levels of government agencies, how they colluded to exonerate Hillary, thwart Trump’s election and then to remove him from office using fake allegations…that Barr and Durham are about to expose…the shepherds will blame the…“Death Star”.

Eat away sheople…orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses: