Trump's bigly twitter tantrum

Idiot boy can’t stay silent. He will never allow something as solemn as a funeral to shut his ■■■■■■■ shaped mouth.

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Remember trump loves the uneducated.

I think most people are “beside themselves” with this spectacle of a funeral that will be in its 7th day tomorrow so at this point I don’t think its getting much attention for anybody to worry about least of all the President.

Did it hurt when you had your soul surgically removed?


I understand tomorrow’s burial is private.

Dr. Ego mad at work removing souls daily

Looks like the sociopath in White House came back from his golf game to issue a nasty, childish tweet directed at probably the closest ally we have on planet. A perfect contrast to what is happening in Washington for McCain.

What a cheap, lousy, piece of filth.

Yep, and this one was directly created for Meghan McCain a few minutes ago.

He’s a ■■■■■■■ troll and Americans are getting tired of his ■■■■■

What an incredibly nasty piece of work. He came through just as I thought he would.

Here is the part of Meghan’s speech which probably pissed fat donald to no end.

“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,”

I don’t have a problem with giving an ex POW who wouldn’t leave the torture in front of his fellow captives 7 days on TV. At least the man had some honor, class and dignity.

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He’s no worse than the people that I’ve talked about forever. He’s actually not quite as nasty.

I don’t know. Taunting McCain’s daughter on this day is pretty nasty.

I don’t think everybody yet realizes what we’re really fighting. These people are beyond what you can imagine.

I agree. And as the walls continue to close on Trump and he keeps lashing out, they’re going to get worse. Much worse.

Will he stand near Cruz’s wife? Will she let him touch her?

Oooo! He’s gonna hate that.

The basket of deplorable analogy was probably the most spot on description ever.

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Oh absolutely. Hillary shouldn’t have said it, but she was spot on.