Trump's "Benghazi"

Tweets are not television clips :man_facepalming:

Watched the clip, It seem Trump Jr made the statement that Liberal are calling it Trumps Benghazi but no one on Fox could find a clip of anyone saying it.

Did she say it on TV like was claimed in the OP.
or did she tweet it from her Toilet.

and by liberal press, you mean one person on Twitter.

Your article has one exmaple of someone using the phrase Trumps Benghazi and it was done on Twitter.
it seem most people calling this Trump Benghazi are Republicans.

Yes. They have rabid conservatives and rabid liberals pro-Trumpers and never-Trumpers and the range in between giving their take. Individual shows lean but the overall diversity of opinion makes the station fair and balanced. Unlike CNN and MSNBC for instance.

Under no circumstances is it reasonable to assert that Fox News is fair and balanced. I will cite just a couple of examples from many that I could have chosen to illustrate my point: Fox and Friends (any day of the week) and The Five. There are token Democrats but that is all it is.

You obviously missed the entire point of the post you responded to, honored guest.

fun fact the term “Fair and Balance” only is for their core news program (Shepard Smith) not their opinion shows they needed to make this clear for legal reason awhile ago.

No I didn’t miss the point.

Fox clearly state shows like the Five and Fox and Friends are not NEWS programs but opinion shows.

Yes, maybe they overestimate the intelligence of people who don’t watch Fox.

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They’ve admitted even their official news program was basically right wing propaganda. Maybe it isn’t now with the fairly recent change in leadership, but it certainly was pretty much all throughout the Bush/Obama years. They earned the monicker “Faux News” years ago for a good reason.

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Reid was the only one that called it that. The rest are simply criticizing what President Trump did because he is Republican. We don’t need Republican pearl clutching in response to Democrat pearl clutching.

Unless something new comes to light it appears that what happened was handled well.

So in other words, there are no clips of “Democrat talking heads” calling this Trump’s Bengahzi. And you have the nerve to call someone “deficient”. Lol

They didn’t think that one through did they? :rofl:

The TDS has advanced to the point many crazy things are being said.

So………nobody can provide a link to a democrat talking head on tv calling the attack Trump’s Benghazi?


YES the shameless fools want to go there they are proud of their TDS and their anti-Americanism and their lying, morally bankrupt craven ways.

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Correct, the OP did not think the subject through enough to find out if the talking heads he watched were being misleading about the talking heads he was referring to

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Kind of stings to know President Trump handled the situation so much better than Obama and Hillary doesn’t it?