Trump's "African American" exits GOP, calls Trump a rich guy "mired in white privilege to the extreme”

Lol, I didn’t scroll down! It’s sad when bad things happen to good fantasies.


They made it so you had to scroll down to see Republicans, why do you think they did that?

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Black people make up 50% of all democrats?

What percentage of the African American vote would a republican need to win easily? I think Trump did slightly better than Romney did with African Americans both granted did poorly at under 10%. If that number increased to 15% for a republican I am assuming they would have a good chance of winning the majority of battleground states.

Because they didn’t want them to win!

That’s one really, really large brush you’re painting with. And I’m not sure “party” means what you believe it means in this context.

I was all ready to call for an investigation into why GOP candidates weren’t allowed to run in CA.


Issa and Hunter(once he gets out of the courtroom) should lead it.

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Wow, all this backslapping on the left has got to hurt.

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Diamond and Silk still haven’t figured out that to so many Right Wingers MAGA means returning America to a time when Diamond and Silk would subject to the block in a slave market or not allowed to vote or show their faces on the streets in many towns after dark or at the least still be forced to sit at the back of the bus and drink at the “colored folk” fountain.

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you are back! yay!

so did any GOP people not get afforded the chance to run for national federal office in the last ellection?

What?!? So Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes are no longer in Congress? The heck you say. Tell us more. :thinking:

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are there other centrists besides Biden in the race ?

It’s kind of like those threads when the right all get in there and slap each other on the back.

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■■■■■■■ deep state man.


That couldn’t be more ironic considering the rest of your post

Sure sounds like you’re saying they can’t think for themselves


im already drawing up lawsuit paper and disabled person paperwork so i can get some of that tasty government money and bennies

I’m sorry! It’s just that I’m a nasty little thing. :rofl:

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Diamond and Silk. :rofl::rofl:

Jackson then asked whether the duo had received $1,274.94, to which Hardaway forcefully asserted “we have never been paid.”

But a [campaign finance report referenced by Lee—the Trump campaign filed with the FEC in May 2017 indicate the campaign paid “Diamond and Silk” $1,274.94 on Nov. 22, 2016 for “field consulting.”


They’re cheaply bought.