Trumps administration pandemic response


They punted it into the bleachers. Even the GOP are admitting it. Why can’t you?

Hogwash. We are nowhere close to the basic percentages of available test kits that any other developed nation has. AND we were weeks and weeks and weeks behind the curve in preparing for this.

So Rubio and Braun are wrong about the kits?

if only there was a leader whos job was to demonstrate stability, competence, and comfort in response to this… we could make a thread about it.

False premise.

Yes it would have been great to have a few million kits already produced and distributed but that wasn’t possible.

only took him at least 3 times, and we are not sure if that stuck

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Actually that’s wrong, the one of Snohomish country wasn’t from a nursing home.

So they’re wrong and Trump is right. Got it.

Wasn’t possible. A complete impossibility. Yep. Makes perfect sense.


Well this could get ugly quickly.

Last night…

Just now…

Newsflash, sometimes it takes more than one question and answer for someone to fully understand something as complex as how and why vaccines work and why they are generally family specific.

Just a few molecules being moved around on similar viruses can make a vaccine totally ineffective.

Reaching this low to find something to bitch about is truly revealing.

or 2 or 3 or 4 or many many more when it comes to the fearless stable genius

Prevention. Weird concept.

So, is France having a widespread outbreak and pandemic?

France as of Saturday had 100 confirmed cases. So by your threshold here, 100 confirmed cases equals a widespread outbreak and pandemic. Good to know.

Why was it possible for Canada but not the US?

I just seen Senator Warren speaking at a rally in Massachusetts…doesn’t she know there is pandemic gojng on?


It just started…you didnt even get the incubation time right.

Probably doesn’t even know Korea is on the same continent as China, a peninsula of it to boot.

Never stopped tou with Solomon… ■■■■■■■ dove head first with that one…but here…how dare thee!

Well he is a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

Remove trump

What about the people who cant afford to go or sont have insurance?