Trumps administration pandemic response

This isn’t some movie where they bypass testing.

Is the CDC lying?

And that’s what you said, “contain it in China”. That dog got loose in December.

My nephew has advanced Lyme Disease- undiagnosed until quite late. He is an invalid- frequent seizures, memory loss, cognitive impairment, can’t work, can’t drive, can’t be left alone- he’s 45 years old. Once the brain damage occurs, the antibiotics are too late.

Nobody said it is. Scroll up and read through the articles GW and I provided and educate yourself.

Lying? No, if anything he’s either going with the information he was surest of at the time or under promising.

Better to under promise and over perform than to over promise and under perform.

I’ve got a friend who managed to beat it after six years. Unfortunately he’d gone undiagnosed for three or four years before they started proper treatment.

I"ve got a client who’s wife is in hospice with it right now, unfortunately hers never responded to treatment. She’s been sick for six or seven years and it’s finally taking it’s toll.

Even this first to have a vaccine ((Moderna) go to testing says 12-18 months.

I could care less about your BS links.

Then don’t ever ask me for another one.

Yeah some random Israeli scientists don’t get to magically skip trials and testing, and then produce enough vaccine for the world :rofl:

90 days. Lol

It’s just ignoring it…then we have him wanting to slash funding from poor people heating their homes to fund fighting this

That’s terrible. I’m truly sorry he’s in that condition. So young too. :slightly_frowning_face:

A virus being immune to antibiotics? That sounds especially egregious and terrifying. Is there such a thing?



It’s irresponsible to spread misinformation.

12-18 months would be a huge feat relative to any vaccine in history.

Multiple entities already “have a vaccine”, that sounds great, right?

But testing it and producing it to the point it is actually available in a local clinic is where the 12-18 months comes from…

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I’m not spreading misinformation. Read the damned articles.

I did. You are wrong.

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No I’m not. What I said is absolutely correct.

They were already developing it for use in chickens. Already proven concept on chickens as a vaccine for bronchial viruses. They say a few weeks to alter it for use on humans, then 90 days for approval/testing.

The Texas company already has one finished and are moving immediately to animal and then human trials probably within 90 days as well.

There are 4-6 companies that are already well through the development work so it’s just not going to be too long before we see it in clinics and hospitals.

I think by fall it’s a pretty sure bet there’s at least enough of it for high risk people like first responders, cops, and medical personnel and hopefully wide distribution before we get too far into the next cold/flu season.

You go ahead and mail order some chicken vaccine from Israel in 90 days, I’ll pass.

OMG… I can’t tell you how sorry I am to hear this. How absolutely awful. I can’t even imagine. :broken_heart:

I certainly hope you don’t.

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