Trump Would Have Done Better

Oil and Gas prices werent rising before the 2020 election?

I already answered this.

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You said no. Which is incorrect

No, Iā€™m not. I gave you the numbers.

For after the electionā€¦

I said it was rising before the election. Which it was.

I gave you those numbers too. Youā€™re just wrong.

To be fair to Brandon, Trump had not solved the border problem. He had just greatly reduced the number of border crossings with his tariff threat to Mexico. It was certainly a much smaller problem than with the Brandon surge.
Now, if Trump had sufficient support in Congress, he may well have solved it. That would include the wall, kicking all illegals in Mexico until hearings when necessary, and interior enforcement. Congress opposed increasing the ICE budget for fear Trump would increase interior enforcement. Without interior enforcement there is always the golden prize hanging out in front of illegals.
Ohā€¦and there was always the plus that Trump actually wanted to enforce our laws and Brandon does not.


Ask the OP he posted it.

And very easily btw.

No Iā€™m not. I posted the gas chart. Want the oil price chart?

Good points. I was so happy to see improvement it appeared more sustainable than it would prove to be under Brandon wrecking ball.

I already looked at the numbers.

Cover your right eye this timeā€¦

Remember the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007? G.W. Bush had a lot of input and wanted to get it done. Because it had a pretty high level of bi-partisan support I thought it might happen.
But it didnā€™t take long to realize that a whole bunch of folks in Congress treated it like a hot potato.
And since then anytime talk crops up on the hill about immigration reform it doesnā€™t last long.

Numbers for 2020 and 2021.

2020 2.636 2.533 2.329 1.938 1.961 2.170 2.272 2.272 2.274 2.248 2.200 2.284
2.420 2.587 2.898 2.948 3.076 3.157 3.231 3.255 3.272

Election year Sept 2.274
Oct 2.248
Nov 2.200
Post election
Dec 2020 2.284
Jan 2.420
Feb 2.587
Mar 2.898
Etc. 2.948

Thanks for proving my point. Appreciate it

The price of oil is not left/right. It is impacted by policy.

Probably a coincidence it goes up during green new deal tantrums.


So well stated. It is a tantrum over something that rules humanityā€¦never the other way.


He defeated Trump; an excellent start.

What does that say about Trump who lost in a landslide in the 2020 election to Biden?

I voted against Trump, but that isnā€™t what a landslide election looks like.