Trump Won Popular Vote in 7 out of the 10 Largest States

He barely scraped by in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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My God, how stupid is your argument? First, why point out this irrelevant statistic, that Trump won 7 of the 10 largest states? Second, try to reconcile that statement with what you’re saying above. If he only won 7 of the 10 largest states, that mean Clinton won the remaining three… and that’s only of the 10 largest. How could he be more popular in 49 states, if by your own admittance, he lost 3 of the 10 largest states? Bwuh? At the end of the day, she won 20 states… he won 30. She won the popular vote, he won the EC. Here’s a good link from CNN that summarizes it in a manner even a child could understand, so let me know if you have questions. lol Presidential Election Results 2016

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Except he wasn’t more popular in 49 states. He was more popular in 28 states. If you could only at least be honest about that part, it would be a start.

Its cool though…like I said, embrace the suck you and those who voted for him have wrought upon us. At least you won, right?

30 out of 50? That’s way better than I thought. No wonder you guys want open borders.

For the same reason Clintonistas bring up the popular vote.


Sure, no irony in the fact youre mentioning this in a thread started by, once again, a Trumpster.

Why you screaming “EDIT FUNCTION!”?

Right, no irony.


Yet your own doesnt bother you?

In NY state, Hillary won the popular vote 4,556,124 to 2,819,534, which means that Trump was not popular in 49 of the 50 states. I know its as silly as arguing against a 6 month old baby, but what the heck.

In NY City.

Donnie Deplorables still don’t understand, Hillary lost the election at the electoral college, we with a clue on the left get it.

Donnie still can’t lay claim to having won the popular vote nationally. No matter how much he lies about it. No matter how many times the Deplorables try to spin things

Donnie is president.

But obviously Hillary is still living rent free in Deplorable’s heads.


No, state. It’s real easy to verify.

just to add to this post, here are the number of votes for Clinton by state…

Alabama 729,547
Alaska 116,454
Arizona 1,161,167
Arkansas 380,494
California 8,753,788
Colorado 1,338,870
Connecticut 897,572
Delaware 235,603
District of Columbia 282,830
Florida 4,504,975
Georgia 1,877,963
Hawaii 266,891
Idaho 189,765
Illinois 3,090,729
Indiana 1,033,126
Iowa 653,669
Kansas 427,005
Kentucky 628,854
Louisiana 780,154
Maine (at-lg) 357,735
Maine, 1st 212,774
Maine, 2nd 144,817
Maryland 1,677,928
Massachusetts 1,995,196
Michigan 2,268,839
Minnesota 1,367,716
Mississippi 485,131
Missouri 1,071,068
Montana 177,709
Nebraska (at-lg) 284,494
Nebraska, 1st 100,126
Nebraska, 2nd 131,030
Nebraska, 3rd 53,290
Nevada 539,260
New Hampshire 348,526
New Jersey 2,148,278
New Mexico 385,234
New York 4,556,124
North Carolina 2,189,316
North Dakota 93,758
Ohio 2,394,164
Oklahoma 420,375
Oregon 1,002,106
Pennsylvania 2,926,441
Rhode Island 252,525
South Carolina 855,373
South Dakota 117,458
Tennessee 870,695
Texas 3,877,868
Utah 310,676
Vermont 178,573
Virginia 1,981,473
Washington 1,742,718
West Virginia 188,794
Wisconsin 1,382,536
Wyoming 55,973
U.S. Total 65,853,514

Not sure why Bama is bold but I’m tired to fix it.

New York is Trump’s home state.

Joke is on all of you. Your vote don’t count for squat in a presidential election.

Lol.hillary won the popular vote get over it.

Betcha think obama a Muslim too. And born in Kenya.

There is no one fact that points out 3,000,000 illegal votes cast.

More wishful thinking from the trump cultists.


Neither does yours.


Trump won Michigan by a razor thin margin.

Trump – 47.50%
Clinton - 47.27%
Others - 5.23%

We have been told that we have the Electoral College to give small states a voice. But several small states such as Hawaii, Delaware, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont did not go for the 2016 popular vote loser.

Right, my reading skillz need some help