Trump will Cave

So, why are 8000 of the 10000 kids here, without any parents at all? They left them to come here…

That rich fantasy life of yours… How’s the Rooskies?

And it is widely known that many of the children separated from their family will never again be reunited. The government sucks badly at keeping this stuff straight, and then you’ve got non-profit foster agencies that screw ■■■■ up too. For some of the families, the last time they saw their loved one was when Trump’s ICE agents ripped the family apart.

Perhaps you’d like to clarify who was "“smiling with glee watching families be torn apart”? Because the entire R party was and is prepared to vote against this.

Violating a court settlement to own the libs!

… in case there was any wonder as to whether the outrage was manufactured …

The GOP was on board for trying to extract concessions via legislations in return for releasing the child hostages. If that doesn’t amount to “smiling with glee”, it amounts to cold blooded Machiavellian calculation that would trade torture for policy wins. Yuck!

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Why not? He must have listened to someone, although it’s also a very safe bet Ryan and McConnell were telling him the same things too. Ryan very publicly opposed the family separation.


you’re right, except for the part where you call “cave” … trump will call it something else.

He wants Congress to bring him anything to sign, he doesn’t even care what it is. He’ll sign some meaningless ■■■■■ make his phone call to stop the separation policy, and claim it as the biggest humanitarian accomplishment of the 21st century. he’ll probably even make up some “bringing families together again” hats. His followers will be calling for the nobel prize.

There’s also Nebraska Footbal and Wandering Rover. At the old forum there were others but the three of us seem to be about the only ones still posting.

Plus there are quite a few writers/pundits who are conservative but not Trumpists. The problem is, people like us are the minority in the party now.

You realize he posts verbatim what Rush says on his show? I know this because I was just in my car 10 minutes ago and heard Rush say the exact same thing word for word.

Poor guy can’t even think for himself.


Hugh? You posted the Flores agreement in the other thread (you posted the original agreement and not the ruling from last year chastising the Trump administration) did you not actually read the agreement?

Its a shame really, because its possible to have an actual debate with folks like yourself. Probably won’t change opinions and can even agree on some. With trumpists cultist its impossible. No number of facts or rationality gets to them. Even a point proven beyond doubt will be argued till they are red in the face and the stupid thing about it is they readily admit they do it just to aggrevate the other side. Its childish and ironically hypocritical of the things they say the other side does.

It wasn’t done before because their strategy was to take kids from their parents to deter the parents from seeking asylum/coming here.

Yes, I’ve never understood it and never will. I remember when Obama was in office and some on the right mocked his supporters and referred to Obama as the Messiah. Many of these same people are probably now full blown Trumpists.

Mike Pence? He was very quiet this past week.

We are!!! I knew this is what would happen. Democrats held firm, Trump E.O.s the whole issue goes away. Politics as usual…Neither side flinched and not the resolution is an executive order. Politics…and still no actual real life solution is there?

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Last week it’s “trump thinks he’s king”, “trump is a dictator”.

This week, “trump can stop this with with an executive order”, “only trump can stop this”.

I can’t decide if leftists are intentionally this stupid and predictable??

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Leftists are smart enough to know that a policy decision can be changed by the one that made the policy.