Trump Warns China Impasse to Worsen If Xi Retaliates on Tariffs


Why did Chuck tweet support to President Trump over the China talks? One reading this thread with its sweeping criticism would be convinced all Dems hate this deal.

Just 99.999 percenters do. :wink:

Has anyone notified Idiot Boy that WE are the ones who will pay more with these tariffs? I thought he attended Wharton Business school, or did he? Let’s see his college transcripts.

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It was something like that but spiking to $20 in California.

Of course China is doing everything they can to ensure Trump is a one term president.

Heck, they’d make sure anyone protecting the interests of America over their own interests would be a one term president.

Reaching out to China to solve what cannot be accomplished legally under our own laws should be the mother of all Hail Mary’s we should all be looking forward to. :flushed:

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fwiw gas here in CA has risen $1.00 in 2 months. That’s $13.05 a gallon Trump gas by election time :crazy_face:

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I can confirm. It cost me $1,000 dollars to fill up my tank today.

Edit: It was near a freeway, so that could have affected the price.

A link to the tweet would help.

What deal? The only deal right now is “raise tariffs.” I think what you’re seeing is people recognizing that the tariffs are not having the effect we were told they would have.

How are we better off today as a result of Trump Tariffs than we were before Trump started the trade war and pulled out of the TPP? Honest question.

So you are wishy washy on that interference in the election line depending on who is getting the shaft then?

Just trying to discern where that whole good vs bad morality meter pegs for you.

Someone asked for a link to Senator Chuck Schumer backing President Trump. In his Tweet, Chuck encourages him to hang tough.

My initial post noted that by reading this thread one would believe all Dems are against the tariffs, so why would Chuck tweet support?

Thanks for the link!

Your initial post said this:

I asked what deal you’re referring to, because as of right now, there is no deal. Just Trump tossing tariffs around like parade candy.

Supposing you were talking the the strategy of tariffs, I think what you’re actually seeing is a bunch of people wondering what effect they were supposed to have and why they aren’t having the effect we were told they would have.

As I asked before, how are we better off today as a result of Trump Tariffs than we were before Trump started the trade war and pulled out of the TPP? Honest question.

Thanks for your reply. Care to reply to the point of my initial post which was curiosity about chuck’s tweet?

What exactly would you like me to say about it? Chuck said a thing-so what?

He’s not my senator. I didn’t vote for him. I suspect that’s the case for most posters here (other than those who live in NY), so why exactly is his tweet relevant to the discussion happening in this thread? Chuck hopes Trump’s strategy works and that we get a deal with China. I’m not sure how that’s relevant to a thread that casts doubt on that strategy actually working.

This thread is about Trump’s continued trade war with China, and there are a lot of people here wondering when the tariffs are supposed to have the effect we were told they would-which is forcing China into a new trade agreement. That’s completely irrelevant to the senate minority leader tweeting to the president.

So for the third time, how are we better off today as a result of Trump Tariffs than we were before Trump started the trade war and pulled out of the TPP? Honest question.


I’m pretty sure there will be some threads here about Biden and Benghazi before it’s over.

If Republican media has taught us anything over the last 30 or 40 years is that you attack early and often and none of it has to be true. It doesn’t have to be like Trump’s dad giving him gobs of money or Trump and a porn star. Or bankruptcies.

It’s why Donald Trump’s Twitter feed is so hugely popular with republicans. He just says anything. It can even be about Ted Cruz’s dad or locking up Hillary. It could have even been about the Clinton’s murdering some guy or a pizza shop running a sex ring. Or Obama being a gay Kenyan socialist who personally sealed his college records. Or Seth Rich.

And if Biden falls off the map all that stuff will then be directed at the next person. It’s just how that game is played.

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It is not among Republicans that Trump’s Twitter is hugely popular. It is mostly liberals who follow his every tweet … much to the chagrin of Republicans. I am quite confident that real Republicans wish Twitter would delete his account.

Yes, it is sad that mostly liberals are the ones that read these official presidential statements and get upset by them. I wish all Americans read them.

You shouldn’t expect Americans to read. That’s not who we are as a people.

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If you’re going to reply to me I’m going to say again that the poeing doesn’t make any sense to me… Still not sure what kick you get out of it.

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