Trump Warns China Impasse to Worsen If Xi Retaliates on Tariffs

Yay you went back to lazy arguing…

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Did I step on your toes?

went back?


Went back?


You entered my I must defeat you like you are Cersei…I’m gonna ride my dragon


Yeah true…

you owe me a coke

or sniffing adderal …im flexible

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So like listening to the classic rock station. You know at some point Hotel California is going to be played. You don’t know when… you just know it is coming.

For the second time… thinking that the President’s policy on trade isn’t going to be effective is not in any way rooting for China.

It is just silly yo say so.


And Trump’s can be “I went to business school and I don’t have a clue about how tariffs work”.


And certainly NOT socialism!

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I remember $7.00 Obama gas.

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But…it’ll do when they are desperate.

Correction, to many Trump supporters, lying about stuff is the same as doing stuff.

$7.14, wasn’t it?

^ one of the silliest things ever posted on the Forum.

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Did you hear that thing flying over your head? That was the point of @Bodecea 's post.

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Are you speaking for Bodecea now?

No, I’m stating that if you’ve been following the thread, and the person to which Bod/Force were responding, the point was extraordinarily clear.


Let me spell it out. Conan believes that any indication that Trump’s trade war isn’t working is therefore rooting for China. Bod was quoting a chart that shows the negative effect of Trump’s trade war, so using Conan logic, the stock market declining must be in support of China.

I’m not saying it makes sense. I’m simply pointing out the logic Conan has been employing regarding the tariffs/trade/economy since that is the talk of the day right now.