Trump wants a SPACE FORCE

We already have one.

Geez I couldn’t imagine how a space arms race could go wrong.

We should be cooperating in space, but “cooperation” doesn’t appear to be in the current administration’s lexicon.

We need a bigger Gitmo. This one on the Moon Titan. They can rule themselves and their bodies can adapt to alternate gasses to breathe. The leftists wish to be Aliens anyway.

Aliens can bore into their bodies and pop out their chest.

Create jobs deporting anti-American criminals. They can work as chain-gang miners on the asteroid belts and planetoids.

If necessary we can nuke the site for morbid

ahh…that was unfair of me. I know you can’t tell me because the conditions of your security access prohibit you from answering.

OK… so let’s pretend that wikipedia knows something.

So it would make sense to be able to defend an asset that is at least out that far. But be aware that there are Molniya orbits that are useful too and go out further. Yes… now one of your armchair experts on Russia will call me comrade. (but psssst… we use the Russian word too, behind closed doors. shhhhh)

This is about the last time I’m going to help you. You are insistent on saying what the libs here say, probably believing they are the intelligent educated ones. But they will make you look like a fool to anyone who actually knows what they are talking about.

So you say.
Will you provide a link, please.

Real progress would be putting Trump on the moon. Can we do that?

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wait … have laughed enough?

The ■■■■■■■ moron with another moronic idea. Color me shocked.

you know as much about military operations in space as that kookaburra.

Does Optimus Prime have a work visa? If so, he can lead this Space Force…

There is already laws. The outer space treaty prohibits placing weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies.

Conventional weapons and even directed energy laser weapons used by space craft isn’t coming any time soon.

The only use for space as a weapons platform now is a staging for deploying nuclear weapons on the earth.

Ish is working hard to defend this one. I noticed that other Trumpettes are not running to give their support.

Oh hang on I forgot that Conservatives are no longer for smaller government. Seriously you cant make this ■■■■ up. And as soon Trump forgets about this and moves on Ish will move the goalposts again to say he was never actually for this in the first place.

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I really, really, REALLY thought that I was hearing an ONION piece when I heard Trump wanted a space force.

But no.


really not for or against. It is a sum zero issue. Money will come out of all the other service budgets to start with. The ridicule shows that libs have no clue.

you have people laughing with you who think space force was to fight off aliens… or protect our to and beyond the galaxy. This is the kind of people laughing with you.

Donald’s multiple tours in Personal Venus will no doubt come in handy during the initial conception phase.

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I don’t need to no much about military operations in space to know his Space Force is a stupid idea.

I don’t really care that much since it’s never going to happen anyway.

your sarcasm aside… let me ask you…

was that a typo? like autocomplete?

Venus… instead of Vietnam.

While I don’t like your message, the freudian slip of your browser’s autocomplete function is brilliant.

Funny thread with few good laughs.

Either way we need or prepare…China is spending lot of money on space war…so is Russia.

Lol. Dude you should really know me better.

US Air Force Space Command. They’re part of Stratcom.