Trump wanted a Military send off

Please post the exact words of this “incite a mob to attack” rhetoric you’ve heard Trump say and processed with your own sharp mind, proving that you’re not here regurgibleeting sheople nonsense. I’ll wait…


Completely plausible. F6 source.

For your review.

Oh yes and repeating the Big Lie about the election for months.

Failed. What are the exact words? You can do this…if…you haven’t been sheoplized?

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I provided a video. Your name calling won’t change his words.

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Does that mean you couldn’t find a quote where he told a mob to attack the capitol?
He is to be impeached for questioning the results of an election…something politicians have done many times?

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The article of impeachment is public.

Plenty of footage where people in the mob said they were following his orders.

One of them wants a pardon because of it because she suffered the indiginity of being arrested after taking a private plane to get to DC so she could raid the Capitol…at his command, she said.

I feel for her hardship and suffering…like the Q Shaman who needed the organic food in prison…

I didn’t ask you for a video. I made it a very simple request? Please provide the exact words that you believe, in your well thought out logic, motivated you to use the words… “incited a mob to attack”?

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Why isn’t Pelosi being investigated for her part in failing to provide for the safety and security of House members? It’s part of the Speakers job description. I’m not a conspiracy person but the FBI and The NYPD notified the Capital Police days before the Jan 6th debacle. Capital Police have congressional oversight. Did San Fran Nan know of this??


But a quote of his telling a mob to attack the capitol is not.

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The speech incited them. You have the whole thing.

A committee runs the Capitol Police, and that committee reports to both the House and Senate, not Pelosi alone.

But neither Pelosi nor McConnell have anything to do with day to day operations of the Capitol Police.

Ahhhh…so there isn’t any words of Trump you can quote that unequivocally to back up your words that he “incited a mob to violence”. You’re just regurgibleeting what you were fed? Good…I just wanted to clear that up so that maybe you can come to terms with being used by the press and not using your logical brain to think these things through for yourself.


Was Trump’s intent that they would enter the capitol building illegally?
The argument is similar to Trump’s argument that the vote was stolen. Lots of innuendo but lacking in real proof.

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Lots of words. An hour or so worth.

Good. Then there’s lots to choose from but you can’t select one phrase to back up what you regurgibleeted. Shame on you sir. You really are better than this.

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Like magic the optics of military clad Trump voters show up days later with a big beautiful razor wire topped wall…optics.

You can watch the speech.

I have and that’s why I am taking my position. You on the other hand, can’t back up something as sinister as saying the President of the United States “incited a riot”.