Trump vs. The Liberal Lies

I also prefer Hillary to Bill.

I would, and please stop sneaking up behind me and slapping my head.

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Human beings can lie? That’s news to me! Golly, Geesh, Gosh! This changes my whole outlook on life. You’ve really opened my eyes! Thank you.

But it is so big and bulbous and clearly yearning out for a good smakin’ every now an again. :wink:


Meh, 3.5, and that’s being generous. Up your game.

Isn’t Paul Ryan’s wife a huge liberal? I’m pretty sure Randy is for weed.

Did you vote for Trump because you like him or because you hate us. I’m curious.

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Maybe it would knock some sense into you at least?

The hugest and most liberalist ever! And yep, gets stoned every night, but his real hangup is the white powdery stuff. :roll_eyes:

I voted for Trump because I’m tired of illegal immigrants coming across our borders, and bringing tons of illegal drugs. With that comes crime, rape, and other sick things. Things that I’ve seen first hand. Things that you people have probably only read in a book. I voted for him, because he wasn’t afraid to be himself. I voted for Mr. Donald Trump, because I’m tired of the liberal Democrats political correctness, and everyone afraid of it. So afraid that someone won’t call the police when she sees her next door neighbors carrying weapons, and possibly things that look like bombs. She was afraid to call, because she didn’t want to go to jail for possibly being considered racist. Instead those bombs took American lives. I voted for Trump, because the Democrats sicken me with abortions, their double standards, lies, and manipulation. I voted for Trump because most of the media is liberal, and I prefer to be different, and simply not enjoy doing what I’m told like everyone else, who can’t think for them. I voted for Trump because I hate big government, and don’t believe in Socialism, and that is what the Democrats ultimately want. I voted for Trump, because I don’t believe in Anarchy, and think that every American should be able to feel safe in America. Shall I continue?

No you don’t have to. I got everything I needed out of you from that.

I’m glad! maybe next time we debate my friend, you’ll be more of a worthy opponent?
Especially since you seem to know me now.

See you next time.

Yesterday, the lib lie was that Trump called all illegal aliens “animals”. If you’re an MS-13 gang member, you’re right…that’s what Trump said. If you’re implying he was speaking of all, who is the real liar?

I wonder what the lib lie will be today?

I don’t know how to tell you this, but Clinton was impeached, and left office 18 years ago. Welcome to 2018.

I don’t wonder what the Trump lies will be today.

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I do wonder how many Trump lies you will defend today.

Post them…and let’s find out.

With the Martha Stewart.