Trump vs George Conway

MakeAmericaAbhorrentAgain :ru:

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Heh, heh.

Donald Trump calling someone a “husband from hell.”

That is ■■■■■■■ hilarious.

Proof that Trump never speaks ill of another without it being a complete projection of his own failings.


Sometimes I wonder if he isn’t just the master of satire and somehow we’re not all cast members in a Bulworth type movie.

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Tiny donnie is being owned by SNL and by dead Senator McCain…this isn’t anything new or surprising.

Or, “Bob Roberts.”

If this is satire it’s Andy Kaufman levels of deep. Donald’s been Deplorable his entire life.

All jokes aside…is anyone concerned/disturbed that the President of these United States is having a back and forth twitter beef with some lawyer that happens to be the husband of one of his advisers? The fact he’s acting like a teenager fighting on social media is mind boggling. Yet the right wing militia are all in. Some of you people should be ashamed and embarrassed. I don’t support this butt hole and I’m still embarrassed.


Yep. He’s human garbage.

a guy who can do 3 to 5 rallies a day for two weeks is very productive…

What is he producing at those rallies? Be specific.

“Campaigner in Chief” - lol

They are just like him. Birds of a feather.


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A guy who can have 5 kids by 3 wives is a Loser

What’s productive about getting his fragile ego stroked at a rally?

More of TDS from bitter left-wingers. This is what happens when you don’t roll over for em.

What a disgusting excuse of a human being. She is not only going ot sit back and allow the father of her children to be trashed like that by her employer, but she is going to actually defend it as well. There is a special place in Hell for these people.

Sit, boy. Sit.


And don’t think I’ve noticed…even CNN admits to it.

Wednesday’s tweet marks the first time Trump has publicly weighed in on the Conways’ marriage. While George Conway has long been critical of Trump, attacks between the two ratcheted up this week when Conway questioned Trump’s mental health, tweeting screengrabs of the medical definitions of narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Her husband been making cheap pop shots at him from get go…which tells me more about him then anything else.

Conway has something like 5 kids…if her husband cares about his kids, his wife he need to keep his mouth shut and be proud of her.

By that logic, you are the example of what happens when you DO roll over for your Master.


Do you condemn fat donald for thrashing her employee’s husband?