Trump:US steel is opening 6 new plants :another lie for the sheep to soak up

None of these are new plants.

Still waiting for those new plants Trump promised.

Jobs are jobs whether it is a new plant or an old one opening back up.

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Ha… now you are down to that.

It doesn’t “count” unless it is a new plant. :grin:

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Those things -in one form or another- were lib talking points in 2016. How’d that work out for ya?

That was Trumps declaration, not ours. He said 7 new plants.

So what? Jobs are jobs. You guys are just pissed at good news under this administration.

Nope, just pissed at lying about growth that isn’t there.

Because Trump said US Steel was opening seven new plants.

I[quote=“rp5x5, post:19, topic:9136, full:true”]
GThere are more then 7 opening/reopening. Fake news spewed from leftist fake news. CBS, BLUE bs sites…

“Trump cures cancer, causing overpopulation and the end of the world”

Can you name them? Please provide a link to confirm what Trump said was true.

We saw this with the lie that Trump said that the remains of200 soldiers had been returned by NK. Even when proof was given certain Trump supprters on this forum maintained what he said was true.

It doesn’t matter what Trump says or does his cultists will believe him or give him a pass.

Are you sure about that? I think I recall him mentioning 3 different companies in the Ohio rally.

Do you really want to battle over the word new? Live or die on that hill?

Jobs are jobs regardless of new plants or old plants reopening.

You guys proof read what President Trump says looking for a single word to argue about whereas we look at the actions and successes of this administration.

not a new plant
and not us steel

not a new plant
and not us steel

non of which are new steel mills

You may only care about his actions. But his words have major effects throughout the world. A single sentence can have a huge effect on world markets. The world does not take his words lightly, even if you do.

Yup. And Trump the “greatest jobs creator that God has ever made” has created fewer jobs in his first eighteen months then Obama created in his last eighteen months.

I bet Trump lied like crazy his entire life about stuff like this. Probably told banks he was gonna open up 7 or 80 casinos. I’m sure he told other investors/vendors/banks that he was gonna open up thousands of things. The guy just lies all the time

Then why lie about it. If the results are that plants are expanding production and hiring people, why blatantly lie about US Steel adding new plants?
He has positive news but it’s not good enough for him so he makes up an easily debunked story.


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So what? Trump has specifically stated at his campaign rallies that its “NEW plants”. As in, new construction, new everything. Not re-openings. He (Trump) doesn’t mention “re-opening of plants”.

Why can’t he be honest and not lie so much?

Any yet here comes the Pac Men and Ms Pac Men, goggling up all the dots of misinformation. Chomp chomp chomp.

And what do you think that these steel and aluminum tariffs result in a net job loss?