Trump tweets quote calling ex-CIA chief a 'liar'

Yes, Brennan is a “liar” and the MSM produces fake news about him and the brass of the FBI is out to get him, and don’t forget the “Deep State”, but Trump just “punching back”. Donald Trump is the one to be trusted.


About 30% of Americans have willfully lost their minds.

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Lol, hilarious, think back to everything Trump has said and done so far. Now tell me what possible thing Meuller can unearth that will cause people who still support him after all of that to turn on him.

Says the guy blaming libs for the bot threads.


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Trumps words have never been anything that would have supported the idea of an investigation over collusion. Hopefully you won’t fall back on that one little public snipit of hoping the Russians got her deleted emails.

No? How about what he said about firing Comey?

Like most Washington insiders I assume Brennan lies often. That doesn’t make [quote=“zantax, post:68, topic:2251”]
Lol, hilarious, think back to everything Trump has said and done so far. Now tell me what possible thing Meuller can unearth that will cause people who still support him after all of that to turn on him.

Oh, his core supporters will stick with him no matter what. They’ve proven that. But that’s what, 30% of eligible voters? He needs about 20% more than that to win reelection.

John Brennan is a known liar. That commie spied on his political opponents.

More caps and more bold might just make this statement true. But, alas, it’s not even close.

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Try as hard as you can, but the reality is you don’t get to set the rules about what constitutes other people’s resistance.

“Friendly Reminder”.

That was a strange post.

Reminder of what? That resistance must conform to models of resistance you support? It’s a “reminder” of an invalid statement.

Great healthcare for all

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It would be totally legitimate to fire Comey because Comey was running a bogus investigation set up by the prior administration. Totally legitimate.

Good Lord. Think about it.

And I do have a say when your resistance imposes your government on my life.

With regards to Russia.

Don’t know what you have in mind. Specific quote?

Pretend I’m the President. Explain it to me.

Friendly reminder. Well-regulated militia is the only time when the right to keep and bear arms applies.

See how that works?

You seem to be really upset about that cartoon.