Trump trial thread

I’m noticing that no one has mentioned the devastating comments of an attorney named Robert Costello in front of a congressional committee this week…I hope he is called as a witness for the defense.

“ A lawyer who briefly represented Michael Cohen told a House committee Wednesday that Mr. Cohen lied on the stand about key details in former President Donald Trump’s criminal hush money case.
The lawyer also said Mr. Cohen told him: “I swear to God, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump.”
Lawyer Robert Costello, who represented Mr. Cohen from April to July of 2018 when Mr. Cohen‘s business dealings were under investigation by federal prosecutors, said Mr. Cohen‘s testimony in the ongoing hush money trial has been full of lies.”.

This entire fiasco is more than just a witch hunt. It’s an insult to the American people and to our legal system.

Nice job libs.


Wasn’t he the one who ate biden’s uncle ?

Here is another perspective on what Costello said.

Why isnt Costello talking to Trumps legal team? If the defense does not call him as an evidence is that proof Trump team is incapable?

It will be interesting to see if he is called by the defense

I assume he’ll be called by the defense and that should bring the proceedings to an end.

If the defense does not think he is worth calling to the stand, then this is just more noise.


Considering the lack of no crime being proven to date, under a legit courtroom proceeding Mr. Costello’s testimony shouldn’t be needed.

There isn’t that is the point. The judge put a gag order on Trump because of what he says about his daughter. His daughter is not part of the trial and is a Dem operative. He should be allowed to comment on her. Why would he put a gag order covering her?


Because of the possibility of the threat to her. The weird part is that anybody from Trump campaign can continue to address her fund raising. It’s just that President Trump cannot. So the gag order seems like a weird thing to do because of that.


LOL… testifying in congress is “jury tampering”

talk about a stretch

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Am expecting an equal stance by you against those arguing Justice Thomas should recuse himself from Jan 6 issues because of his wife’s statements.

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A 3 month stint with Michael Cohen? :laughing:

Why isn’t he at the trial under oath?

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If the judge can determine which issues Trump is allowed to raise in his political campaign, then why doesn’t he issue a ban against Congress from covering issues involved in his trial?

The two situations are not even remotely similiar.

Except recordings and text messages.

One happened on Tuesday and the other happened on Wednesday. Apples and oranges.

one recording that’s not even about this trial and his own messages.

It’s about Trump.

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Lock him up! :crazy_face:

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The responses to this from the resident libs are getting dumber by the post.

Come on guys just admit it.

You all know this stupid prosecution of the former president is a politically motivated lame ass don’t haven’t hunt.

Just say it.

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

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Trump has not had his campaign speech curtailed. Campaigning is about the issues, the economy, defense, spending etc. no one is stopping him talking about thoae. Heck he can talk about the trial he just cant bring up the jury or attack those involved, witnesses etc.

But I get it Trump is raped again. :roll_eyes:

campaigning is about whatever the candidate campaigns about.

and the judges daughter is not involved

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