Trump trial thread

and who supervises the AI?

What? It’s a computer program. It doesn’t need a supervisor. Are you a Luddite?

So the Trump trials around the nation, due to the fact they are nothing more than made up bull feces where our judicial system is being used on behalf of the dominant political party in DC to push their political narratives. The one who benefits the most is Joe Biden.

Now…here is some reality regarding that’s been stifled for years by the sheople troughs that have sheoplized our nation. Remember…how can you identify a sheople? Just listen to them. They expose themselves by regurgibleating “orange man baaa, baaa, baaad”.

Now to all of my Brandonite friends here in Hannity Land…here’s a video of truth that absolutely exposes how Brandonites have been sheoplized…all while they are endorsing an actual criminal. It’s time to look in the mirror.

Oh, sure.

Ok then.

We don’t need beauracrats because of AI.

Good talk Rusty.

Ko wrekt.

Do you know the etymology of the word “bureaucrat”?

Shhhh. It’s a secret.

He might not care.

He has to be aware.

It isn’t good and no clean way out.

I don’t know.

I think like all the others in the lawfare cases, he thinks this will make him a star in the democrat party

Isnt this the same woman that in 2022 gave credit to Trump for capturing Bin Laden? :grinning:.


I do not know but just apply the same standards you use on Biden, with her and she’ll be a shining star in your eyes.

I looked it up and yes, she did but says she made an honest mistake which was corrected within 48 hours.

McClain tweeted Monday: “Joe Biden misspeaks every single day and the media pays no attention to it. Isn’t it ironic how I’m under attack for an honest mistake.”

She does have a point…wouldn’t you agree?

Oh my gosh, that poor victim. It’s Joe Biden’s fault she didn’t know who got Bin Laden and was super quick to attribute that success to her hero instead of doing her own research first :yawning_face:

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What I find funny is that she did not misspeak but until she did her research she genuinely believed Trump got Bin Laden.

Anyone with a passing interest in politics knows it was Bush!!! :grinning::wink:.


Meanwhile its reached a point in Donald Trumps life where someone may be forced to tell him Hannibal Lecter was neither a real nor great guy.


He took decisive action unlike these all talk no eating cannibals.



You know when people say everything with Trump is projection and confession? I’m wondering what these Hanniibal Lecter references really mean.
It surely can’t be that bad.


You have laid out reasons for the daughter not to be judge on the case, but none of this implicates her dad…who is the actual judge.

I suspect the appeak will fall equally as flat.


Other than a Trump spokesman whining about it, where is the connection between the trial and the fundraiising cited here?

I supposed in MAGA world all things happen solely because of Trump, but for the rest of us there is a national election coming up with a great deal more than the fate of one man in play.