Trump Tower meeting Russian lawyer admits she was paid informant to the Kremlin

I see. So in reality, your statement that our most revered and greatest President’s have all done this sort of thing was completely and totally false and made up out of thin air as a means to defend Trump and his horrific behavior. Man, I cannot imagine feeling the need to carry water this heavy for someone. Let alone a politician. And even more, Donald Trump of all people. It must be really strange to feel such a desire.

Not as funny as it will be when they pretend again to care about morality and principles.

tbh, i’ve always known that was fake. i’ve posted many times about how people in my part of the country use it.

I believe I was just a lurker at the time but I remember 1 thread in particular where you were saying that and everyone was calling you liar

The take home

What’s funny is that after all the stuff Trump had thrown at him before the election, you guys think this 12-year-old nonsense is NOW going to bring him down with his followers.

Get this: We voted for Trump NOT because we ever thought he was angelic, but because he was NOT what we have been given for the past several decades of FAILURE from successive poster-boy perfect PC candidates and presidents who couldn’t run a popsicle stand with authority.

And thus far he has EXCEEDED our expectations - not failed them. He is doing and even SAYING what most of us are thinking and wanting and have been for a LONG TIME, without any hope of satisfaction for what laughingly passes for leadership in Washington.

And by the way, He wasn’t elected by just Southerners. Maybe you should check the electoral map.


Right. And the Dems are the no family values party, so why are you even griping? You have never griped about morals and principals before.

Your conversions are hilarious.


Yeah, I’ve heard it all. It’s like they never wanted the secret to get out.

I don’t think that at all. I know you guys are with him for the duration. Just like some members of my family.

its easier just to dismiss everything he says anyways

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Sure, but not near as much fun. :wink:

it is for a little bit


Time is wrong. He was never interviewed by the Mueller Team. He sent them a letter that detailed his testimony before the House intelligence Committee. He also demanded to know what they know about the FISA warrants against him.

He has never been questioned by Mueller or his team.


It sure appears like the Ds have passed the Rs on the morality front. Heck, posters here every day call for Ds to step down when busted. Call for Hollywood types to be locked up.

I’ve always thought that the quiet, religious/non religious types, who simply know right from wrong, are way ahead, morally, of the evangelical fakes.

AGAIN, ask their wives if they think the other women were skanks or not. The distinction is the infidelity. With whom it occurs means little to the wife.



Your back must be killing you carrying all of that water AND moving those goalposts around. And you seem to be speaking from experience here. Know a lot about how spouses feel when their significant other cheats on them with porn-stars and Playboy models, and then pays them hush money to keep quiet? :thinking:

That article is from February . This one from March 29th says he did.

“I told them, you know, a lot of everything I’ve essentially been doing for quite a long time, including, obviously, you know, everything in Cleveland,” he said in interview on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” referring to the RNC in Cleveland, Ohio.

“So you did talk about that?” Hayes asked.

“Yes,” Page replied.

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Evangelicals also know right from wrong. It’s just that YOU think they should be stupid enough to restrict their voting to only the righteous, while YOU can know right from wrong but vote for the wrong, anytime you want to.

It doesn’t work that way. Evangelicals vote for the person who can champion right from wrong in law and in policy - not necessarily a saint who only can do right, personally. They aren’t as stupid as you demand they be to be true to their principals.

They are true to their principals when their principals are enacted in law and in policy - not when the guy who lead is a saint who STILL fails to get them enacted. They need to elect the guys who can actually GET them enacted in law and in policy - even if they are personally bad boys.

They just are the idiots you want them to be.Sorry.


err, that the FBI. He has been interviewed by the FBI multiple times over the years, and because of what they actually know about him the Mueller team knows they DO NOT need to talk to him.

Thanks for helping to prove my point.


Sorry. You want to try to make Trump out to be some sort of failed president because he might have had an affair 12 years ago, when he wasn’t your president and was a famous New York playboy by his own admission.

And that is DESPITE the fact that MULTIPLE American presidents have had affairs while IN THE WH and they didn’t negatively affect their presidencies at all.

Don’t you see the stupidity and rank hypocrisy in that?