Trump told Shinzo Abe he’d ship 25 million Mexicans to Japan

Ah, so therefore mass rape and ethnic cleansing. Well, my work here is done.

I lol’d.



we should send trump, sessions, Pruitt, Zinke, Sanders, Ryan, McConnell, and all the rest of the treasonous bastards to Japan.

Lets go with naive, I don’t pay much attention to that stuff.

Never heard of him. Mentioned by people who talk about white genocide a lot. Is that a fair assessment?

Study him. Foundation of the whole Club of Rome, end of society as we know it, Global horsecrap.

HAHAHAHAHAHA… Here’s a Lib who thinks these guys were actually tried and convicted of the crime of treason. Wow… you should try to verify some of the things the narrative tells you. (hint: you have been lied to. They have never even been charged with treason, let alone tried and convicted.)

You libs are so gullible.

Its the media’s job to report truth. it’s the president’s job to see his agenda is enacted.

And you need to do your own research instead of watching/listening to idiots in the media.

All week, I only listened to MSNBC.

the idiots are entertaining