Trump told Shinzo Abe he’d ship 25 million Mexicans to Japan

Does it matter?

If you don’t know by now, then you are either really naive, or one of them by choice.

Duh, the open border, one-worlder, sovereignty destroying, Kalergi, loving, abortion eugenicists, colluders with Radical Islam, market manipulating, perversion proponents, globalists.

Holy d’Artagnan Batman! :flushed:

Nope. Just for curiositys sake.

Uh, what?
10 char

Not a bit. Buddhists are defenders of freedom and patriots to their country, by the principle of Zuiho Bini.

The globalists are demons who suck life. Evil functions. Armies of Mara.

These people inherit the mantle of totalitarianism. It’s just like the rise of Japanese military, twisted Shinto, government before WW2, the rise of the third reich, or the Commie control freaks.

They are in cohoots with head choppers and mad bombers, to do their dirty work.

Who is colluding with “radical Islam”?

Buddhist monks are backing the campaign of ethnic cleaning and mass rape in Myanmar right now. Its perfectly consistent with that religion.

Propaganda… but some of them are bad Buddhists. There are corrupted Buddhists. Not all Buddhists are the same. The militant ones feel their culture is being destroyed. Extremist Buddhists are rare and just as bad as their adversary, but nothing wrong with self defense and patriotism.

Most of them are fighting back against persecution. It’s happened before. You think you really know what is going on there?

and how was everyone’s supposed “sense of irritation” verified?

Uh yeah I do. I like how Europe is being “destroyed” by ((globalists)) but the systematic well documented use of torture, rape and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar is just propaganda lol.

You can’t read? you push propaganda and know nothing about history of that area or different kinds of Buddhists.

Yes I do. The Rohingya sided with the allies and fought against the Japanese and their Burmese buddhist collaborators. They’ve been discriminated against ever since.
As soon as the communists lost power the mass riots against them began. Now that Nobel peace prize bitch is overseeing their extermination. Hopefully the Maoist guerrillas in the North will ratchet up their attacks against government troops and restore order.

I also know about a different kind of Buddhist, the Tibetans. They had a nice system of brutal slavery there, where disobeying your master could have your limbs removed. Thank ■■■■ the PLA invaded and put an end to the the Dalai Lama’s government.

Trump says all kind of crazy stuff. None of us should be surprised.

It’s obvious who you side with.

The Rohinga reacting to the rape of a Rohinga woman by muslims sparked the recent problems.

This has been going on a long time.

No ■■■■ it has. How does that relate to buddhists burning down villages?

Exactly . . .

Trash president. Luckily, the presidency turns out to be unimportant.

Maybe they don’t like their female family members getting raped?