Trump to sanction turkey

Good for you. If I had such frivolous ways to spend money, I’d probably donate more to St. Judes.

Yes, this is the closest thing to admission of a colossal ■■■■ up by Trump you’ll ever see.

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Yeah. And Turkey’s GDP is $851 billion a year according to the World Bank. Guessing it won’t be a crippling blow.

What part of 100 billion dollars doesn’t catch your attention?

What part of sanctions against individuals doesn’t catch your attention?

What part of NO American lives being lost is LOST ON YOU?

If there’s one thing I know about Trump, there’s no way he’d waste good chicken nuggets. I’ll give him that.

We do about $20 billion in trade with Turkey per year.

So… how can the US inflict five times that damage on them?


Yeah? So…how exactly?

What catches my eye is that it’s obviously a lie.

Do you have any evidence that any such trade deal was ever being negotiated?

How will “sanctions against individuals” cripple the Turkish economy?

Don’t pull a muscle carrying those goalposts. Did you forget what you just claimed?


If you’re a globalist all you need to do is… think about it…

Trump has run circles around what is SOP.

Why don’t you just back the hell off and see if this works because SOP has so well in the past.

Excellent. Let’s give it oh… two months or so. :wink:

Not really an answer.

What is your opinion on how this can happen?

You claimed that Trump has the power to cripple Turkey’s economy.

Numerous posters have asked you to explain how. You have refused to answer, and instead posted nothing but bluffs and condescension.

The best you’ve been able to come up with is “Trump said so.” Pardon me if I don’t accept that as an argument.


U.S. goods imports from Turkey totaled $10.3 billion in 2018. Turkey’s GDP in 2018 was $851 billion. Even if that $10.3 billion was completely lost and not recuperated with increased trade to other countries, it would be a 1.2% decrease in terms of GDP. Our GDP fell 2.5% in 2009 during the recession.


So, you’re saying that you’ll explain and support your claim in two months?

Why wait, if you know what you’re talking about?

Just explain it now.

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I posted per the article exactly what Trump is prepared to do.

I agree that his tactics will work.

Back in 1991 Saddam Hussein started massing his forces on the Kuwaiti border. The Bush administration and State Department did essentially nothing to tell Saddam to knock it off and otherwise thwart his plans. They basically gave Saddam the OK to settle his neighborhood dispute. Saddam invaded and the rest is a sad history from there. There were many follow on events from this, like the basing of US troops in Saudi Arabia which was bin Laden’s rallying cry that resulted in well over 11,000 thousand American lives in Iraq, Afghanistan and New York City. It created fertile breeding grounds for terrorism and led to the emergence of ISIS. It’s cost the US trillions in wasted treasure and the blood of untold numbers of Kuwaitis, Iraqi Shi’is, Kurds, Yazidis, etc.

Trump rightfully called out all this was a fiasco and a tremendous mistake. His solution? To throw one of the few US allies, the total of which can likely be counted on the fingers of a single hand, has in all the Middle East and pushed them into the hands of the Syrians and Russians. Now he’s sanctioning Turkey for doing what they said they were going to do which Trump refused to tell them no ■■■■■■■ away. US relations with Turkey taking a further dive is no doubt delightful to the Russians. And Trump’s re-basing Troops back in Saudi Arabia. Has anyone done any calculation of blowback on this because there is a clear history to draw from which Trump seems keen on repeating. The idea that this move doesn’t cost US lives is a dicey one to make.


Not what I said. Reading is fundamental :wink:

I did articulate an argument.

If you cannot disseminate the argument then what is the point of discussion with you?

Those tactics are predicated on there being a $100 billion trade deal. A deal that is five times the current trade with Turkey right now.

I have my doubts that the President is being honest about the size of the trade deal.

I am willing to be convinced that the President’s plan will work if a cogent argument can be made.

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