Trump to Revoke States Authority to Set Air Pollution Standards -- Washington First!

So the whole point is to castigate conservatives if they don’t make an issue of taking away the states right to more stringent pollution standards.
Ok…I’m not hearing you unless you agree its also ok for a state to opt out of those pollution standards altogether. I don’t chose to be lectured by you for not having a principle that you disdain altogether yourselves.

Either the Feds get to regulate emissions or they don’t. Take your choice.

Of course the auto companies want this because they can produce one emissions package for the whole country. CA setting their own standards has always created a problem for the industry as well as for the petroleum industry which drive up costs both to the producer and to the consumer.

The Feddoes get to regulate emissions. CA also has the right to regulate beyond the fed standard.

California will fight it and win.

No, they actually don’t, the fed’s can simply invoke the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Then why are they siding with California?

Probably short term politics unfortunately.

How would they be in any way harmed by uniform nationwide emissions standards?

Explain the motivation

See the edit, to take the side they think might drive the most customers to their brand.

Ask them. They seem to be against the idea

And what’s wrong with that? :us:

Did I say it was wrong?


What’s unfortunate about smart business decisions?

I think it’s unfortunate they are willing to sell out their share holders in the long term for a short term political gain.

What political gain? They’re doing it to sell the most cars possible. How’s that selling out their share holders? By making them money?

By driving up production costs which negatively impacts the bottom line.

You have to invent, produce, and install parts specifically designed to meet those standards which also lower fuel economy.

It also requires specific production lines to produce only those vehicles or you have to retool and set up between runs to produce both CA compliant and non compliant vehicles from the same line.

That ends up costing consumers and share holders.

Once again I trust they did their homework on this and understand how it affects their bottom line more than some random poster on the internet does.

I accept your surrender.

Stating that the auto industry knows their business better than you is surrendering? OK

It’s 13 states, not just CA.