Trump to Pardon Dinesh D’Souza

He was “investigated” because he told the woman he donated to about it, and she reported him to the FEC.

If you’re going to blindly defend criminals because you like what they say, at least take the time to get the story right.


There’s no denying he broke the law

Some people just don’t think that law should have applied to him. Because, reasons.

And he knew he was breaking the law at the time he broke it.

i love it, tearing the tag of something you own is the same as pleading guilty of a Felony making a straw donor donation. Trump biggest critic indeed.

Beat me to it. It’s an urban legend that as a private individual it is a crime to do this.

I never bothered to look much into his case. Is this really what happened? If so… :rofl: The man deserved what he had coming to him.

Yep. He convinced his mistress, his mistress’ husband, his assistant and his assistant’ s spouse to each make the maximum donation allowed by law to Wendy Long ($5,400 - $2,700 for the primary, $2,700 for the general), which he illegally reimbursed to them.

Long apparently heard about it, and confronted him - he first denied it, then eventually told Long that it was OK, because she wouldn’t get into trouble for it. Long then reported him to the FEC.

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WR doesn’t care about such details. His gut has spoken.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is just pure awesomeness. How can anyone sit here and defend him then? I just don’t get it. It’s like defending him is begging for ridicule. This was a premeditated felonious crime. He knew the consequences, and he did it any way. Which seems to be the likely reason why he plead guilty as well.

With today’s fast-paced modern lifestyles and the proliferation of so many laws, who can even say who’s broken the law and who hasn’t?


So, Wendy Long a Republican, threw his ass under the bus? Somehow, it was Liburulz!! fault? Lol!

Yep. But that doesn’t matter.

Believing him to be a “political prisoner” feeds the victimhood complex. Feelings Trump facts.

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Ha…I like what you did there sir. Well played. Well played indeed. :clap:

Then get off of your moral high horse.

Why don’t you explain how this has anything to do with my criticisms of Trump?

does the phrase “Good for Mr. Trump.” ring a bell?

Why are you informing us about your mistake? We don’t need to read that. You do.

You realize that we had to point out it wasn’t illegal to you right?

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How do you reconcile this with your accusations that it was nothing more than a political persecution? Are you denying these facts of the case?