Trump to commute blago sentence

Good God. Could you imagine the meltdown that would have happened if they even entertained such a thing in passing?

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Both Obama and Holder would have been impeached faster than we could even blink. Undoubtedly.

So you are going to be ticked off the house Democrats don’t impeach him over this? And no, if Obama wasn’t impeached for ordering the MURDER of US citizens without due process he wasn’t ever going to be.

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What was the recommendation? No need to look it up, apparently you must already know. Otherwise how do you know if what they were asking for was too much vs the judge giving him more than they did? Strange fact to carry around all these years.

Holder said the sentence was too stiff, not what prosecutors asked for.

I have never suggested that the President or Barr be removed for any of this.

I am finding it amusing how far down the rabbit hole that some will go to justify the Attorney General stepping in on behalf of a close friend of the President when I know that if it were to happen in most other circumstances that people would be flipping their lids over it and I would agreeing with them.

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Blago is a close friend of Trumps? I was unaware.

This is where we act coy about what I was talking about.

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No, it’s the part where I remind you what is being discussed in this thread.

Because discussions never morph into other things especially when parallels are being drawn between a former administration and his Attorney General.

No… we must act coy.

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Blago has a spot on Trump’s Cabinet team if Trump wins in 2020.

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We have a President who thinks that what Blagojevich did is a perk of holding public office.

Why am I not surprised that Trumpists are for Trump commuting the sentence of Rod Blagojevich

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He just Pardoned Michael miliken the junk bond kind convicted in a huge insider trading scheme in the 80s.

Trump said he commuted Blago because he had been crucified by Comey.

I think selling a Senate seat is a crime that should have a long sentence attached to it.

It looks like Trump could have found a more deserving beneficiary.

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Well of course he did…here is why…

Blago is vile. Screw him. And he has shown zero remorse for his crimes.

Blago appeared on the Apprentice as a Pre trial PR move and nothing less. Trump had him on the Apprentice as nothing more than a rating ploy…because all of the Chicagoland area watched. I do not think that they are friends.

And let’s be clear…he did not with hold funding. He withheld Medicaid payments…Not that that is any better, but these were payments for services already given…

And to be clear, where was that federal team When the President, or even vice president Biden were with holding federal funds to Ukraine over the past 5 or 6 years. Extortion only is a crime when the person prosecuting that crime has an axe to grind against the person allegedly doing the crime.

Blago deserved prison time. Did he deserve 14 years…I don’t know.

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We do this dance every time any President puts out his pardon list. “Ooh look how bad this or that person is, how could he do it, that’s horrendous”. Two weeks later it’s forgotten. It’s getting kind of boring.

I feel the same way about Impeachment right now. Are we at the point where every elected President is gong to spend his presidency fighting off impeachment? For me Trump is a horrible human being. I fear his continued Presidency. However, I always felt there was nothing to impeachment in his case. I thought there was a better case for Clinton. But now that it is done…what does the future hold for all new presidents. Say President Biden comes next…JUST PRETEND…are we going to go through years of trying to impeach him?