Trump threatens to hold up aid to Michigan over absentee voting

Why is it necessary for the Federal Government to know who voted for who going back a decade?

I am glad that the States told them to go pound sand.

Skipping part of that story I see, the part why states refused to hand over the data.

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There was also this little thing of a lot of States would be breaking their own laws if they handed over those materials.


Plenty of Republican states refused to hand over the data as well. Were they trying to hide voter fraud?

For years I heard Conservatives maintain that a person’s private data should be protected.

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Yeah, I just don’t get the logic on the conservative side here. They seem to think not complying is because the liberals are trying to hide evidence of voter fraud. Yet plenty of Republican governors also rejected the request. Are they also trying to hide evidence of voter fraud? Can a conservative explain this discrepancy?

It’s just easier if you don’t think about it and repeat what the radio says.

Seriously man, you need a TDS break.

Who are you talking to? I didn’t bring up Trump. Check yourself.

The funds were already doled out. No backsies. Sorry.

maybe he will refuse to hand over FEMA money for the flooding.

It appears that the judicial branch is weighing in and they tend to agree w/me. :sunglasses:

What does a judge in Ohio have to do with whether or not Michigan gets Federal funding? :laughing:

I think it’s funny. He’s threatening to withhold funding (that they already got) because he’s worried about absentee ballots causing him to lose Michigan. Meanwhile, his actions could very well swing several Michigan voters against him because well, you know…

extortion? Why are people so strongly behind this. I remember a Governor from Illinois…Nice guy, a little foul mouthed, did like 4 years for with-holding funding to an Illinois Children’s hospital. How come you guys love it so much when Trump does it.

He’s going to withhold funding while people there are suffering from some of the worst flooding there in years as two dams have broken and flooded cities and towns down stream.

Trump is truly and stand up kind of guy isn’t he?

Not you. Check your own self.

No, he’s not. Why did they break?

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7 plus inches of rain overnight on Sunday.

and you are right, he’s not a stand up kind of guy.

He’s not going to withhold aid.