Trump threatening opponents with violence

No one was arrested.

That wasnt the point.

I’m not saying that my biker friends are gonna knock down your door and break your teeth- but wouldnt that be a shame?

Looks like Trump took down his violent biker tweet. I wonder why?

Why do you think he took down this tweet?

Wait let me guess you have no idea why…

everyone know it was misspellings .


I could see him start with holding Federal funding to these universities where they don’t allow speech of opposing views. You know these little MAGA hating Liberals who don’t like anything a conservative has to say. Kinda like what happens here all the time when people don’t agree with the point of view of others.

Maybe He should start with holding federal dollars until universities start allowing opposing views and start holding violent protesters accountable.

Just saying, it might not be a bad thing. I don’t think he is threatening anything else.

Didn’t you know she’s a leftist…?

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If the left fails at everything then why are you blaming us for everything?


Because it was garbled, nonsensical, and stupid?

“I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers For Trump. I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough - until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Consider The Source!!! The Washington Post is NOT known for accurately reporting ANYTHING!!!
It is owned by Amazon and has become a mouthpiece for Jeff BigNose’s anti-Trump rhetoric!!!

The Washington Post runs circles around every right-wing propaganda outlet. They literally beat the crap out of them in every way possible.

Hope that cleared it up for you and you can stop consuming garbage for your news diet.

It all makes perfect sense now. I appreciate the enlightening my friend. :wink:

BigNose. Coming out of the woodwork today.

They’re panicking and out of the closet.

You can go to the original source you know… You could say the same about Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News.