Trump threatening opponents with violence

According to the never biased Washington Post… . You really expect us to accept that?

Where is their list of groups and definition of “Right Wing Ideologies”?

Are Bikers for Trump part of that lawful force?

I don’t understand “whitey” tape.

Depends on the circumstances. If they are attacked they can lawfully use appropriate force in self defense.

So part of a lawful force under certain circumstances. I’ll buy that.

Kellyanne explained this as not a call for violence because… Maxine Waters. She was on this evenings Cuomo show. Yes, CNN, I watch 'em all.

No. The President of The United States just mentioned them in an attempt to sound tough. He wants everyone to know he has the SEALS and the Bikers on his side.

Look at their sources.

They should be arrested. What they did was inexcusable.

Actually…the President is attempting to reverse the Maduro tactics of shutting down the speech of your political opponents with this EO. What’s happening across college campuses throughout the US of stifling the speech that some “feel” is counter productive to their agenda, are using violence to stop it and that’s goes against the very fabric of our Constitution that you claim to uphold. You should be all for this.

Us vs. Them tactics.
Trump out here tapping into his inner fascists

Are you sure?

No, he’s not a democrat pushing PC ideals on everyone else, while ignoring the same behavior in themselves. He’s honest…

God bless you.

Those were all loners who had hatred in their hearts.

Can’t tie that to ideology.

Nice deflection

I saw that. She didn’t stop talking the entire time and blamed everyone else. Hillary, Obama, CNN, Waters, you name it, she blamed them.

King Trump the innocent.

That crap was ridiculous. Cuomo need to stop having her on his show. All she do is lie and deflect for this president. What’s crazy to me, her husband hates 45 and dude is not silent about it. He destroyed 45 a few days ago and it was glorious.

I’m often impressed with Kellyanne’s ability to put a shine on a dull object but last night was special. She covered an hours worth of talking points in about 10 minutes seemingly able to continue without taking a breath. I was beginning to wonder if there was an off switch.

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And man, Chris Cuomo sat there and withstood it all. At one point he surrendered. He gave up because she just kept posting talking point after talking point.
I would have pulled the “CEC mute button” on her 10 seconds in.