Trump: The Russians are going to help the Democrats in the '18 elections!

He meant to say the Russians were not going to not help the Democrats.


This assumes that he is not totally nuts himself and is actually unable to have a stable thought that last for longer than a day.

How many new illegal voters got in before Trump shut the border down?

Another million, maybe?

Either his senior care provider didn’t give him his meds or he straight trollin.
Maybe he’s testing his followers loyalty to see if they throw on their cape and fly into action to agree and defend.

Putin said he wanted Trump to win.

just how stupid are you to support trump?

yeabh but they will each vote at least 3x

Wrong question. Should be …

How much do you hate liberals?

Trump is going to have to massively improve his troll game to keep up with Putin.

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Wait, let me understand this correctly. The dude makes it clear that he wants to be all buddy buddy with the Russians, goes over there to talk to Putin, invites Putin to the White House, and now he is saying the Russians are going to help the Democrats?

DId someone slip him a Micky this morning?


Congress is to blame. congress wouldn’t allow him to speak at the capitol. this is going to make Trump mad, dissing his dom like that

the system is rigged!. ring a bell?

Same basic narrative as 2016. Remember when Donald was howling that if he lost the election it was because it was rigged?

One would think that Putin, unlike Trump, is able to see how stupid him visiting DC would be right before the midterms.

You’re right. Nobody will remember something that happened in July all the way in November.

you forgot number 5 There was meddling but by someone who was not russian.

Minus the sarcasm that’s one hundred percent accurate.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about this. He has said too many other stupid things for me to remember that tidbit.

To forget it is to ignore a hugely important message and potential reason as to why Obama was hesitant in coming publicly with Russia.

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