Trump supporters reaction to Cavuto

We all wish life was fairy tales and nursery rhymes, but come on…

Trump got white people wilding out, feeling like they can say anything.


And when Bush was elected many on the Left went bonkers.

Regardless if you think Shapiro is a Jerk or not should a person giving him a complement for helping him out be chastised by the Left?

You’ll never see a Trump supporter with a show on CNN.

The anger directed at Bush is minimal compared to Obama.

Duplass’s comments are clearly open for criticism. His praise for Shapiro is misguided and incorrect since he knew little about him.

OK here it goes from someone who has been around here for 15 years. Back when Bush was president Liberals loved to call him Stupid for the way he talks. Fact, he had dyslexia. I talk the same way. 139 IQ. I am not stupid. Ok…so there were lots of Meme’s going around back then that Bush was a Monkey. Yes it made me mad. Yes I defended him…But I knew that the moment OBAMA became president my side would start in and get worse. They did. I chose for the most part to stay out of the offensiveness. CHOOM who remembers that. to describe OBAMA. MOOOOCHELLE…wasn’t that a Rushism…Sure…He was in a Rush grove when he came up with that one in pre show production that day. It was ridiculous. Michelle OBAMA didn’t deserve that. I defended the OBAMA’s against the name calling and childishness just like I did for Bush, but still criticized his policies. If he wanted to play golf go right ahead.
Jump forward to today. Now things have gotten so out of control that everyone is making fun of everyone…IT is nothing more than pure bullying today. Because that is what our leader does. People now think it is OK. Yesterday I was told I didn’t respect Ambassador Chris Stevens and his death in Benghazi, because I think it is not appropriate to send former Ambassador McFaul to Russia to be questioned. Ambassador Steven’s thanks me for my support. Like I didn’t care he died.

It has all gotten so ridiculous. I am calling out all who play the bullying card. I will continue to do so. Civility is needed, and We need to stop being so politically divisive toward one another. I can disagree with someone and not bully them or call them silly play ground names like I was 10. But others can’t. I can’t understand why. But I will keep calling them on it. You want to be that way…I will call you out. This forum used to have rules…like equating anyone to a NAZI…Yet now I see it every day. There’s no actual point being made. Trumps a NAZI…OBAMA’s a NAZI…Hillary is a NAZI…It used to be part of the whole rules on civility. There are none anymore here apparently. I wish there was.

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He sure did…because he was allowed to get away with it. So can everyone else.

You are so right!

I would hope that I would never see a Trump Supporter with a show anywhere? Because the way Trump supporters act is not TV worthy.

And I know Cratic…you will say that It happened with OBAMA supporters…My response is when is enough enough on all sides. When do we say civility is more important. When will you stop being so crass and inappropriate, so that others might see that there is a different way of doing things in this national debate or discussion or whatever you want to call it. Will you change how you speak and type and start to be more civil with your words. If you do it maybe others will follow and we can all get back to being more friendly in our debate?

We had a bit of a thing the last month with a cop shooting an unarmed black kid in the back (on video at that) and I have watched so many wild ass white people lose their jobs and wreck their lives saying dumb racist ■■■■ on social media. People just screenshot the comments and send it to their boss.

They are not Misguided Shapiro helped Duplass out several times with stuff. So it is WRONG for a person to complement another person for helping them out when 1 person is a Liberal and the other a conservative.
YOU are proving the ■■■■■■■ point of the Over Reaction that is going on and the Duplass and Shapiro is NOT caused by Trump being in the white house.

Tommy that is why my wife and I have such privacy settings on our accounts that I protect myself. Twitter is different. I don’t say things that could be considered racist…and if I get into political discussion with anyone on facebook…I am not friends with anyone I work with. Hell I only have about 60 friends anyway. And none of them are turning me in for anything I say. But your point is well taken. Never say stuff that can be brought back to you in a bad way.

Yeah, my strategy is to have enough of a social media presence that it looks like I’m participating but not enough to infer anything about my life besides I think I’m funny and like rap and movie quotes lol. I’ve had girls complain to me that I don’t be put enough no personal info up for them to figure me out via snooping.

Twitter is one thing, but for Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram I only add people I know IRL and even then I keep most of my opinions to myself.

Shapiro neither sincere or well intentioned as Duplass suggested.

I had a manager who worked for me who considered herself a superior social media snoop. It pissed her off to know end that when you googled my name NOTHING CAME UP. And she could not see my social media, and could not get anything on my face book profile or anything. It was a challenge for her and she was mad she couldn’t crack me.

I agree. Grow up by not calling people names. That is kind of what we expect from adults, no?

Really so another Liberal Eric Weinstein and his Brother Bret who have been attacked by the Progressive Left. Had this to say.

You have me confused. Is it no longer okay to criticize someone for praising a jerk?

Why would that be?

No its back tracking because people get upset about you thanking a person.
That Duplass showed he was a coward who couldn’t stand up to his opinion against the Liberal Pitchfork Hord … While People like the Bret and Eric Weinstein are not.

I hate when either side does it.
If I say I liked Bill Clinton and Obama as President in some ways. I am sure some on the Right would go balastic as well.
Or if I mentioned I like a SJW Artist or Writer I know some people will go nuts.

This is the kind of stuff George Carlin would be trashing and making fun off.
But his style wouldn’t be acceptable by many on the Left these days.

Duplass caught attention not because he thanked someone who helped him but how he described Shapiro. It would appear Duplass wasn’t aware of Shapiro’s more intolerant statements.