Trump supporter's bunker mentality

That’s it and they still expect us to believe them.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I always find it funny that the left thinks people on the right are stupid. This thread is more of that same conservative bashing. If only people on the right would listen to leftist tell what is really going on they would be so much better off. The leftist news tells it like it is and they are never wrong. These conservatives live in a bubble and if only we could make them listen to what we want them to listen to they would understand just how stupid they are.
The leftist news has always bashed conservatives. They went after Regan like rabid dogs. They went after both Bush’s like rabid dogs. Now they are going after Trump like a pack of rabid dogs And they cant stand it that the conservatives have an avenue to hear a different spin on the things. They all believe that conservative don’t listen to many source for their news and they can’t choose for themselves what they believe in the truth.
And than we have the straddle the fence people who call themselves conservative who want a tent so small that the republican party becomes obsolete. These people are the Bertha I’m better than you part of the party.
Regan once said something to effect of is it a third party that we need or is it a new revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors that make it clear where we stand.
I think alot conservatives in the country have finally taken his advise and believe that it is alright to speak their minds.

Your “explanation” backfired. If you just suspect, you think you know but don’t really.

Dispute the figures if you can.

He might have appointed pro-life judges, but it’s impossible to know how he or anyone else acts in their personal life in regards to abortion. Given how Trump has behaved in his three marriages, it’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn’t do what’s most convenient. And striking down Roe v Wade won’t have any effect on people like him.

They always accuse conservatives of being what they themselves are guilty of. Such as the staying in a bubble. That’s a big time leftist trait.

And putting the right kinds of judges on the bench and their influence will outlive his presidency by many decades.

no one

Say, how about you don’t get an abortion if you don’t believe in it and I won’t either?


The act of appointing pro life judges cannot be dismissed. Over 60 million unborn babies have been slaughtered since Roe was made legal.

That more than dwarfs his personal shortcomings.

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i never said otherwise

No, and the positive stories either go unreported, under reported, or misrepresented in the vast majority of cases.

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And so what has changed, exactly?

More and more restrictive abortion laws over the last three decades.

Nope. Not unless you get the whole country to agree to it.

There’s really no difference between abortion and regular murder. Would you apply the same standard to that?

Probably not.

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And millions will continue to be slaughtered of Roe is overturned.

I would never abort one of my developing children. I personally think it’s wrong.

My personal beliefs are not shared by everyone else, to my surprise. The law allows for people that believe differently to choose that option for them.

Democracy, folks.

There are probably multiple women close to you who have had abortions without your knowledge. Do you think they’re murderers?

There are.


It is not for me to judge.

But it’s perfectly fine for some of you to judge conservatives and call them stupid because they believe different than you?

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