Trump: Suggests that "rogue killers" could have been involved in the Khashoggi disappearance

In short, Trump was right again. It was just a mistake by some low level people and had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia. We win again libs.


Or course I can, his every thought is revealed on Twitter live. He has the poker face of a husky

I love how the Saudis be like “We meant to capture and torture him but we didn’t actually mean to use the Bone Saw. Our bad yo. We cool?”

The truth will get out on who really killed Khashoghi

The leftists won’t like it.

Trump response “bone saw was made with us steel, it’s a hell of a deal !MAGA”

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Crab people? Soros? Michelle Obama?

Mattis? Mueller? Hillary’s Deep State sawed off his head?

George Soros?

What did it take for Obama to believe Iran, a wink and a nod? Iran isn’t even an ally, in fact they want to destroy the USA , and yet Obama gave them a ton of cash and made a national security disaster of a deal!

Like it or not SA is a long time ally in the region where we need as many allies as we can get so delicate diplomacy is required unlike the “bull in a china shop” clumsy foreign policy of Obama/Hillary.

In other words, just close your eyes and plug your ears and believe in the Saudi’s.

Oh please do. Enlighten us will you. Which crazed leftist killed an anti-SA Reported inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. Please, please tell us. I cannot wait for this.

So it’s ok if they openly murder permanent US residents because oil?

So much for America’s moral superiority. Not that we ever actually had it, but now we’re just ok with embracing evil. Yay for us.

15 Saudis landed in Turkey in the middle of the night with a bone saw. They spent the morning and afternoon in Turkey and then flew home. Saudi Arabia claimed they were tourists. How many tourists do you know that visit a country for less than one day and bring a bone saw with them?

Oh, I always back my bone saw. You just never know when you might need it.


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Damn. They were going to be my 2nd and 3rd choices!

Yep, rogue killers!

five fingers. Pentagram. 5 fingers one one hand, 5 fingers on the other. 5 plus 5. 5 + 5. What’s a + sign rotated?


Rogue? Starts with R. Pentagram starts with P. Pentagram is 5 lines and 5 points.


You almost got away with it, didn’t you???


You snooze you lose pal, you gotta think like these numbnuts.