Trump: Suggests that "rogue killers" could have been involved in the Khashoggi disappearance

Told you he was gonna back off. Ten bucks says we find out in a decade that the White House knew ahead of time what was gonna happen to the guy living in the US.

Well after all, the Saudiā€™s denied it very firmly. Thatā€™s all it takes for Trump.

Intelligence agencies from multiple countries will determine what happened and Trump will be fully briefed on the outcome. IMHO

So called ā€œintelligenceā€

And he will likely keep saying that it could have been someone else.

uh. we canā€™t trust our intelligence agenciesā€¦

ā€œI mean, our intelligence has really let us down on a number of occasions, and thereā€™s something substantially wrong with the way we gather intelligence,ā€ Giuliani said."

Thatā€™s for public consumption. Its what he does behind closed doors that matters.

I stand by my argument.


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He will likely do nothing. He and Jared are too much in love with the Saudiā€™s. It will be up to congress.

History says otherwise.

Lol youā€™re joking, right?

Not at allā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

ā€œEvery time he sees me, he says, ā€˜I didnā€™t do that.ā€™ And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it.I think he is very insulted by it.ā€

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What action has Trump, himself, taken against any other government?


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Ha Dumpster Donnie is so weak, he just obediently folds when his owners tell him ā€œDown, boy.ā€

Yesā€¦ rogue killers. Inside a consulate. Does anyone really believe that?

Yep and letā€™s not forget that there is an actual video of this murder.