Trump Slaps Ugly Unfunny Bill Maher

So does trump because he clearly watches the show regularly

he didn’t say accidentally “turn on” the tv. stick with reality please. not your internal narrative

Thats a slap??? Thats a good morning where I work, we’re brutal all day to each other. Trump is a bitchy light weight…lol

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he does? clearly?

where is that clear?

This is so damn funny, those tweets are cretinously pathetic. It’s so easy to poke him and send him Into a tantrum.

No he mistakenly watched a 30 mins tv ahow then complained about it on Twitter like my 12 year old neice.


From his tweets.

Exactly, he tweets like a reality show star that is looking for attention…lol


i dunno. i’ve caught (unfortunately) the grossly unfunny and ass ugly Samantha Bee during a break once. i got over it

but i can see it happening

“Got to see, by accident, wacko comedian Bill Maher’s show” -fat donald’s tweet

yes thanks that is his tweet and how it apoears in the op.

It must have been devastating.

Thoughts and prayers


Did you watch her whole show?

thanks. recovery took about 5 seconds

but i learned my lesson well

Donni so angry.

Donni stamp foot.

Donni TWEET!


That is the reality of our nation’s leadership at present, sadly.

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Bill Maher is no Stephen Colbert who is no Hollywood award show. That’s for sure.


Good Lord. Just turn it off before it consumes you any further. This is borderline disturbing.

yet maher hopes for a recession…

talk about anger and hatred and no ability to cope (with prosperity).

Donni rage because he ugly and unfunny more than Bill Maher wish Bill Maher his friend IS SAD!

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