Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korea's Moon

Crazy Times.



President Trump sure as hell does not deserve to win one either.

If in five, or more like it, at least 10 years North Korea and South Korea have come to live alongside each other in Peace and to live with the world in Peace any Nobel Prize nods should go to Presidents Un and Moon.

Sure as hell not to President Trump, who threatened Thermo Nuclear War on a nation that never attacked the United States and had never posed any real threat to the United States.

Certainly hope the Nobel committee has learned their lesson about handing out the Peace Prize to war mongers who really haven’t proven to be peaceful leaders.

Amen to that, if peace happens, it is a long road to travel before we jump off the wagon and declare peace in that region.


Nothing says PEACE like a crazy man Dear Leader threatening needless nuclear war against a nation that has never attacked his country and has not posed any real threat to his country.

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That sounds incredibly like what we were hearing from the left about Reagan in around 1985. Unilateral disarmament was the obvious way to have peace.

Are you suggesting trump should have chosen a more diplomatic route like Obama, Bush and Clinton did before him?

That atmosphere existed since before Kim was even born.

Trump’s actions and rhetoric were reckless. He could only screw up the situation just the same as if he stood in an operating room during surgery. He cannot help at all but he can definitely hurt the situation by pestering the actual surgeons. That doesn’t mean he gets to take credit for success just because he doesn’t ruin everything.

You aren’t wrestling pigs right now. You’re wrestling facts.

Truthfully, you’re just refusing to get into the ring, and the facts are winning, despite al your flailing and attempts at refusing to honestly discuss the topic.

You’re unwilling to honestly engage in the discussion, so we’ll just have it without you.

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You’re right. Words like these would only entice Jong-Un to needlessly attack the south or even the, US if capable, when a diplomatic solution could be easily reached.

States like these, and their terrorist allies, are arming to threaten the peace of the world. We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals. And I made it as clear as I could that if they were to do that, they would pay a price so great that the nation would probably not survive as it is known today.

I’m wrestling your opinion. And that’s mud.

Maybe if you stomp your feet and hold your breath I’ll change my mind and answer you.

Oh, c’mon. You gotta set it up better than that. :grinning:

How about statements like these?


It’s odd, as “what has to be done” seems to be a bilateral summit, which is what North Korea has wanted for . . . years and years (?)


I remember the right-wing’s reaction to Obama’s continued attempts are disarming via the START treaty. Do you?

I couldn’t care less whether you choose to answer. You’re trying the childish tactic of huffing and puffing, taking your ball, and going home because you’re mad you lost the game. You want the attention of having everyone look at you while you have your little hissy.

Your refusal to answer doesn’t change the facts of the matter.

Wow libs really are scared ■■■■■■■■ aren’t they? Most of them are afraid Trump just might pull this off.

Too funny.

Yes. Your opinion is noted. Now for another opinion from someone a little closer to the situation.,

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, a South Korean official said on Monday.

P.S. Headline on CNN for the nth day: Stormy Daniels

What a useless piece of trash CNN has become. I can hardly believe three years ago they were one of my primary news sources.

There’s literally not a single person on this forum who will be unhappy if NK disarms and NK/SK reach a long-term peace deal. There’s not a single person on this forum who is scared of that happening.

They just want to know, specifically, what Trump has done to deserve credit for it thus far.

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That’s weird-I’m at right now, and the headline story is the same as it is at Fox (Israel claiming Iran has nukes). Strange.

You have been answered several times. You just don’t want to hear that standing firm against communist enemies actually works. You wouldn’t believe it under Reagan and you wont believe it now. You want to believe that welcoming them and giving them money is the answer.
Go ask the President of South Korea. He knows.
And if Trumps standing up to Kim were considered dangerous by you all, you can’t now pretend it had no effect because the result is different than you expected.

Breaking New
Stormy Daniels files defamation lawsuit against Trump

If you missed that at the top of the page, you are at a different CNN