Trump says he's 'ready' to put tariffs on all $505 billion of Chinese goods

This trade war has turned out to be easy to win.

Not angry. Iā€™m a happy butterfly.

Iā€™ve been Anti-Walmart ever since Jade Helm.


Not all retail or all companies. I worked for a coffee shop part time a few years back who ran their business with pretty much union rules. Kept peace and everyone had the same rules. No favourites if a better shift opened up the owner offered it by seniority.

I have had management and human resources people in my company say it is better for the size of our company to have a union to work with.

Iā€™ve seen senior people who were still incompetent. And Iā€™ve seen people with less seniority who had more experience than those with seniority. One that I know had seniority with a power company. He made a mistake that cut power to a hospital.

Hahahahaā€¦not going to happen.

What will happen? Wal-Mart will still be #1 box store, but everyone will just pay higher prices.

But hey! All of those tariffs can go towards bringing down that projected $1T deficit in 2019!

Higher prices are fine. The extra money will go to paying down the deficit. Iā€™m fine with an extra tax on Walmart patrons.

In my opinion, Walmart shoppers have been getting a free ride for too long.

Incomptant workers lasting is often due to incompetence in management.

For instance yesterday I was having a discussion with the head of our hr about discipline and its purpose. Too often management instead of using it to correct behavior as needed waits until they are angry and uses to punish a person and releases a pile of it. Then it is pointless looks motivated out of anger and gets tossed. So a person who should be gradually being disciplined for incompetence and maybe fired if they are not learning instead has a legitimate grievance.

Obviously. But thereā€™s no accounting for what windmill a lib will choose to tilt at next.

All China has to do is devalue the yuan by 10% and stop buying us treasuries

Thatā€™s how China wins

Maybe we should do that first with our currency.

Or due to union rules. Been in the work force for over 30 years. And thanks to the grace of God Iā€™ve never had to be in a union. Did work at a place the union was trying to get into. We always just laughed them off. The benefits the union was offering were no better that what the company was already giving, and on top of that we would have had to pay union dues for the privilege of getting what we already had.

Good observation. As a people manager, this can be a struggle.

I have always said if companies want to keep unions out pay people fairly and treat them well.

If companies wonā€™t do that, Iā€™ve never seen an example where unions made things better. Iā€™ve also never met a union employee who loved their job and couldnā€™t wait to get to it.

I enjoy my job. I work overtime when asked very often.

Iā€™m a union employee. I like my job a lot. I wouldnā€™t do it for free but Iā€™m treated very well. Itā€™s a job, not a hobby. Itā€™s a part of life. Itā€™s not a vacation. How many non union employees do you know who love their jobs and canā€™t wait to get to it?

Welp, these will probably go ahead, because heā€™s fooled his base about this one too.

My grandfather worked a union job at a paper mill for more than 40 years. He loved it and the union did well for him and everyone else working there.

He retired shortly after it was bought by a new owner. The unionā€™s pull has eroded dramatically since he was there. Before the buy out you started at 15 an hour. Once you got trained on your next job you got bumped to 20. After that, 2 dollar per hour raises with each new hourly position earned until you went salary.

Now they start at 12 an hour. And get 50 cent raises.

This helps explain why China isnā€™t going to back down.

And Trump doesnā€™t understand that taxing Americans will not force China to abandon their position anytime soon. So we should all be prepared to feel the pain.