Trump Says He Will Override Governors On Church Openings

Just showing you that government does prohibit free exercise of some religions…

Lol ok

Sure. I’ve never contested that. I was answering your narrow question.

You can lol, but Christianity has quite a long history of defying the state.

Aren’t Cons all about law and order?..Apparently they are until there’s a law they don’t like…Then it’s tyranny! And how dare they infringe on my liberty!

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Oh I’m most definitely aware

I cant speak for cons. I eschew labels. Cons here apparently think I’m a liberal, lol.

A lot of groups have history of breaking the law

Sure. Not all laws are worth obeying.

I obey the highway speed limit precisely to its designated max

:rofl: Yeah, me too.


I would imagine of Islam as well.

Yeah, just Christianity.

Wasn’t meant to be an exclusive statement.

Ok. Thanks.

Being obtuse is your issue not mine.

And remember folks, church is this Sunday. You have every right to go. :wink:

It seems as though churches are going a long ways towards killing themselves off.

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Fantasize on, libs. Fantasize on. lol

In my reality COVID-19 has killed almost 100,000 Americans. Which one of us lives in a fantasy?

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