Trump’s comments mark the first time the president has openly and directly praised a violent act against a journalist on American soil

Because it has nothing to do with the context of this case.

Agreed! Whole Heartedly with that statement.

What Trump did is not normal and shouldn’t be tolerated.

The fact that it will be tolerated says a lot about his supporters.

Of course, Trump worshippers believe in violence against anyone who opposes Trump and his worshippers.

Reporter, albeit annoying, asking the same question over again, gets punched by a Republican. “HORRAY! Totally deserved it, enemy of the people. He hates America.”

Woman at airport yells “Shame, shame shame!” at spineless Ted Cruz. “HOW DARE HER! Angry mob! Disgusting. She needs to be jailed for years! She obviously hates America.”


Ooooh! I like this one. A lot.

He didn’t get punched.

Rabble rouser in Chief. And quite good at it.

Whatever, the reporter was assaulted.

Says the Party of Antifa and resist, such a rich hypocritical comment. The Journalist committed Sedition against Saudi Arabia, I dont want them telling us how our government should be ran. Why are you supporting and sad about the death of Osama Bin Ladens BFF in elementary school?

Yeah… the response to questioning is to show the emotional maturity of a chimp flinging poo!

Lock Her Up!!!

Nobody talks tough like Tiny.

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The Montana Judge judging the crime took a dim view of the body slam.

Not everyone condones violent crime like some r’s do (as long as its against the “right” people)


Thanks. That means a lot.

He said he was sorry after he was caught lying about it.

Gianforte suffered little consequence from misdemeanor assault and now he is being actively praised for it.

Violent Loony Leftists!!!1

Yeah… I heard Rush say this yesterday also.

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I’ve come to admire his skill at arousing passions around non-issues. The man has talent.

In before the phrase “Khashoggi was more jihadist than journalist” is used by someone else.

Gianforte is in the wrong profession if he can’t handle that. Maybe he should take up gardening full time.

Except those damn garden gnomes keep staring at him. Little punks deserve a good curb stomping.



Say what you will about Tiny, the man knows his audience. Both the one that fawns over every thing he does, and the one that rages against them. Meanwhile he ingests the wealth and attention like Jabba the Hutt set loose in Golden Corral.