Trump returning to social media with his own platform

Which may make it worth doing.

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It won’t. Ask MySpace and Google. Very hard to have a successful social media platform

Isn’t that what myspace said?

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I bet they won’t. Look at Parler and Gab.

Trump steaks for all, I am personally buying a plane ticket from trump air for you to attend the opening party.

It will fail.


You mean in 2002…before Facebook and Twitter? Sure :rofl:

I’ll sign up. If it’s more than a campaign platform, I might even stay.



Yeah, look at them. One requires an ID to use all the features and the other takes forever to load a page.

I doubt that this is even a thing.

It is vapor

I learned to code because of MySpace. Put my first site live in 98. At it’s peak, MySpace had 20 million daily active users. Twitter has 10 times that and Facebook has even more.

I mean, Trump and a lot of his followers were doing really, really well on Twitter. Messaging and news about Trump still do amazing numbers on Facebook.

Don’t blame the service, blame the messaging from Trump that broke the rules. Trump had a good thing going on Twitter. He is to blame, not the services.

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All talk, no action.


So Twitter made a dent?

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Google’s initial investment in Google+ was over $585 million. They are pretty much the inventors of today’s tech and they failed miserably at social media. Yet, we are supposed to believe Trump has it all figured out? Not gonna happen.

The god of the universe is a trumper. Who Knew? :man_shrugging:

The internet is a much different place than it was back then.

This is Jason Miller talking out of his butt.

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Sure, sure. Maybe we’ll see.

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Oh… I know what this is.

He is partnering with the MyPillow guy to launch a social media site.

I am not even kidding about that