Trump rejected plans for a White House statement praising McCain

Terrorist fist bump.

If I had been in his place, at this point, I can see how some gushing words of praise might have been seen as inappropriate considering their history.

And of course, half of Trump’s support base will applaud him for his extreme pettiness, and the other half will dismiss the report as “fake news”.

So you’re perfectly happy to cast aspersions on the motives of the press, while defending Trump’s motives for the content of his tweet. You don’t think you’re a tool?

This thread is about Trump blocking a statement from his own WH praising McCain, you cant spin this that is BS…

As you stated Trump being of low character is no longer in question, this is only further proof of that. Him getting called out on this for what it is has nothing to do with “hate” “libs” or any other spin, he is getting called out for pulling ANOTHER jackass move.

Nope. I think his tweet was respectable and appropriate (at least without the picture of himself). And the media was predictable to use this as an anti Trump moment, no matter what he said or did.

It didn’t become and anti Trump moment until it came out that he blocked a statement that praised the man.

He has noone to blame for THAT but himself.

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You’re right. We should have all ignored the fact that trump is small and petty. After all, we all know he’s small and petty. Pointing that out is so unfair to trump.

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Foxnews had to turn their comments section off on the news story because of the reprehensible comments about McCain. Even when it’s about McCain, it seems Trumo and his fans can’t be classy.


Nothing like an unprovable counterfactual as a defense.

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You poor, poor dear. I’m sure you and your media buddies will get together to console one another and whine about trump.

Is there anything we can do to help?

Way to make it about you and your feelings about trump btw. Keep it classy.


Well, since we all know he’s a terrible human being we have no right to expect him to act like a decent person.

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Trump is a petty ■■■■■■. Always has been, always will be. Just own it and stop hyper apologizing. It’s unbecoming.

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Again, you’re defending Trump’s motives for posting a tweet that contained not one word of praise or even acknowledgement of the man (only his family), as though he would be attacked for no reason whatsoever, while attacking the motives of everyone else including the press. Seems very tool-like reasoning and defending of Trump, and attacking of Trump’s critics.


Trump knows he is trash, if you like trash then by all means dig in I wont stop you. But dont pretend it is anything other then what it is…

That appears to be the thought process for some people.

While I may not have always agreed with John McCain, I did respect that he stayed true to his beliefs to the end. He will be missed.

The above, stated by our president, would have been better than what he actually said, and anyone who called him a hypocrite for it would have been the ■■■■■■■■

Instead, he chose to keep the mantle to himself.

And here I thought Trump’s major appeal is that he tells it like it is cuz he isn’t afraid.

Shame that Donald lets the potential response of his detractors prevent him from doing the decent thing in this situation. Not terribly bigly leadership of him.

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Funny thing, the left gave him the nice cool gun and don’t even know how.

Huh? We’re been told that Twitter is how Trump directly bypasses the lamestream media, and they are official presidential statements, so reporting on them is not “cherry-picking” any more than reporting on something he says at one of his campaign rallies.

And Trump picked this fight in the first place, insulting McCain’s service.