Trump Referred to DOJ!

That’s fine. There are possible charges from other sources. And once again, running for election isn’t a pass on criminal charges

The outcome of the election does not necessarily reflect the political split in D.C…

The Let’s Go Brandon Day J6 defendants “asked”.

Runaway Jury movie … and an insight into how jury consultants work to help fix verdicts

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Let them request a bench trial then.

Russian collusion, Mueller, Impeachment 1, Impeachment 2 and now this. When does it flip and those prosecuting are prosecuted for corrupt persecution?


Abuse of office!!

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They went too far.

They know it now.

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We don’t know what was Hilary’s server, either. Case closed?

hildawg ha ha


The AG could also be sanctioned for bringing a frivolous case before the courts.

I love how Libs are so deeply concerned about classified documents and the possibility of them getting in the wrong hands!

You’re ever so worried about a thief breaking into the estate of an ex president that’s guarded by secret service agents and getting the keys to that locked room and sifting thru boxes and boxes of documents, hoping to find the nuclear launch codes that could bring about WWIII, and then get back out of that guarded estate and do something nefarious with whatever documents they find. Gosh, makes me wonder why y’all Libs weren’t up in arms about all those classified documents that Hillary had on her private, unsecured server that she kept in her bathroom that we know was hacked :thinking::thinking::thinking:.

It’s almost as if there’s a (D)ifference in your concern for national security! And the way you guys are pushing so hard to secure our border and scrutinize every person that comes across to make sure no foreign agents or terrorists get in??

And who could forget that rascal Eric Swallwell? I mean just because he had an affair with a known Chinese spy is no reason to think he was in any way compromised right? Why that’s not even a reason to remove him from office or even his committee positions right? Homeland security, intelligence… Nothing our Chinese enemies would at all be interested in.

Dare we mention Hunter Biden?? Just because he was stupid enough to hand a laptop filled with incriminating evidence of multiple felonies he committed and identifies his dad as the " big guy" who received a 10% kickback from all his foreign business deals, over to a repair guy, and that laptop got handed over to the FBI is no cause for Libs to be concerned right? So our sitting president got money from the Chinese and Russian governments through his criminal son? Now technically, TJ was only the vice president at the time so let’s put that in the past and not be concerned about the possibility that TJ is compromised.

Yes sir, if there’s one thing we can count on is that Libs just love America. Their leaders above all want to protect and defend it from all those who mean it harm. They are relentless and ever vigilant in faithfully upholding their Constitutional oath and merciless to those who abuse their power for personal gain.

Yes, we can only imagine what could have happened if our intrepid guardians of Democracy and the American way hadn’t bravely raided Trump’s home and rescued those documents from a nefarious traitor. He might have sold them on Facebook or craigslist:


You guys are so blatantly hypocritical it’s disgusting…


Lock her up!

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Bury your head in the sand and put your true hypocrisy on display!!

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Not to mention that they repurpose the same chant for anyone Trump mentions at a rally that he doesn’t like.

Setting aside our political differences but remembering the Russian collusion lie, how many more times should someone be accused and prosecuted but not found guilty before you’d deem these actions criminal?

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DOJ will certainly do nothing as a result of this referral.

Jan 6th Committee ina nutshell:

  • People who had already decided Trump is guilty held “hearings”
  • At the end of the hearings they still believe Trump is guilty
  • They then told the people who are already investigating Jan 6 to investigate Jan 6.

It’s a giant publicity stunt.


What have they got to lose by proceeding against Trump? It’s not like they have any credibility or integrity to lose to begin with. Maybe there’s still one or two brain dead people who hadn’t already decided long ago what to think of Trump. Maybe their minds will finally be made up to NOT vote for him because the corrupt DOJ decides to file charges. At least Trump Derangement Syndrome keeps them occupied from doing anything else. I say go for it… it can only hurt their cause.


The truth is, Schiff is a liar…just like Biden but libs keep on libbin on…being sheoplized.


I’m sure he will get a trial as impartial as the committee that made the referral.

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But her emails!!!