Trump Referred to DOJ!

i’d just like to know why cops unlocked and opened the capitol doors

how odd ya know?


What’s your evidence…sorry I can’t tell you it’s classified.


Pffft. You dont want him prosecuted even if he is guilty as sin.

Pffft. You want him prosecuted even if he’s innocent.


Not true

They kind have been prosecuting the man for the past six years. I am not sure why they just don’t let the people decide at the booth since two impeachments failed and Trump in the latest Republican poll is trailing Desantis by over 20 points.

I remember after a year of Benghazi I was like Jesus just move on this isn’t going no where Hillary will not be prosecuted the media loves it but the public gets bored of it.

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It’s been a marathon that’s for sure.

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kavanaugh good one

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Libs don’t actually care whether any Republican, ESPECIALLY Trump are actually guilty of anything. Republicans are declared guilty just by accusations, the media immediately begins with the assumption of guilt and the public is too stupid and lazy to think. They swallow what they’re fed without question.

This outcome was a forgone conclusion. They falsely impeached him twice without any evidence that would hold up in any court in the country. The first time on hearsay alone. With two false impeachment and the years of slander that began the day he announced his candidacy, his political career is done, and that’s all that matters to Libs. Truth be damned…


Do it.

goose, gander…

Do you hear what you are saying. A charge would be the violation of the Presidential Documents Act.
And by saying “it’s classified” means what? Trump even went on national TV and admitted he took them.
The case seems pretty solid to me.

That’s not how it works. When the roles are reversed, we are to take the high road or we look vengeful. Take the high road or we are petty. How dare we.

Just like once the House switched, the cries for bipartisanship and working with the other side will be shouted from the rooftops and will drown out any dissent.

It’s not like we haven’t seen this act before. :wink:


Politicians aren’t prosecutors. This farcical committee “referral” is a violation of at least three provisions of the US Constitution.
If Garland proceeds with this rag his legacy will be that of a turd being flushed down the toilet.

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What if the case is held in 96% Democrat DC?

It almost makes me regret that Trump didn’t go after Hillary when he had the chance. lol


Because running for office doesn’t excuse criminal behavior

A committee formed 18 months ago about the so called Jan 6th insurrection yet not one person has been charged with insurrection.

The Mar A lago thing is quite different but this committee has been a partisan joke from the beginning. Imho of course :slight_smile:


Here’s how it could be spun. Garland prosecutes Trump and the MSM take a “let’s wait and see” approach. The trial is held in DC where the jury pool can be easily engineered to consist of Trump haters. 45 is convicted. Garland and tbe MSM claim justification for the DoJ bringing the case. Trump appeals and eventually wins, but his finances have been depleted by the legal fees.

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If Trump’s Lawyers feel that he can not get a fair trial in D.C. they can ask for a change of venue. In any case, if his Lawyers can not seat a fair jury, they are not very good at their job. And I just can’t see how Trump successfully argues that he was allowed to have government documents. Furthermore, a obstruction of justice charge is pretty strong. Hell, there is one of his former Lawyers who might lose her law lenience over it.