Trump Pushing Murder Conspiracy

Frankly, it’s irrelevant. This election will be a referendum on Trump. In normal times, Biden not reaching out would impact him. But the anti-Trump wing of the GOP has already thrown their support behind him. People are pretty well already in the support or oppose camps that they will remain in through Election Day.

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Good post Lucy. This is exactly correct.


No it doesn’t clear it up because it’s neither unusual nor improbable.

Lots of people have these conditions.

It isn’t the condition I spoke of, it’s the end result of it but…I understand. :sunglasses:

It is neither unusual or improbable. As noted by the medical examiner and countless examples of this very thing occurring. It’s tragic but very easy to understand the high probability of this being exactly what happened.

Now we should all hope Trump leaves this poor, grieving family the hell alone now.


…on that…I agree. Unless there’s more proof, leave it alone. It isn’t helping anything or anybody.

So you think I’m wrong and that the Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans WILL turnout more than the Trump base and defeat him? Okay

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When you consider how much has happened and how wrong libs have been about sooooo much, there are many, many, many that have observed all of this from the sidelines, that will now come out and support Trump. Libs are sooooo far gone, that many of these people remain silent, so they don’t get spit on, yelled at or physically accosted? Once they go into a secluded place, away from all of that, they’ll then vote for what they know is right.

I’ve said for months/years now that Trump will be re-elected. The dysfunction, division, chaos, immorality, lack of ethics, and lack of decorum is what our nation deserves. It is who we are now.


Maybe that’s how you run your life, but don’t include me in that? What happens at the WH or in our nation does not coerce me to act in any other way than how I choose…period…and I choose, to give The Lord my very best efforts. If…things are as bad as you say, how honored we must be that The Lord would choose that we live during this time. Thank you Father.

No you don’t.

Nothing about what happened was “unusual or improbable”.

You were wrong.

It’s OK…you can admit it. :sunglasses:

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I know I’ll turn out. And, for the first time in my life I will be casting a vote for a democratic presidential candidate - one that I really don’t like. Given that I voted straight republican except for twice when I voted 3rd party on the presidential ballot, that is a major paradigm shift for me. And it is directly attributable to just how bad Trump is for America.

This is one case where morally, for me, it has to be country over party.


Bull feces. You’re allowing your brain to be led by your feelings and nothing more my friend.

I’m happy for you and your faith. Genuinely. But I also believe we (collective) are being tested by Him. Each person has to determine for themselves whether they have risen to the challenge. I pray every single day, because in my heart I know the truth.

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Indeed. This is well stated and exactly the same for me as well.

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Then we unite in our love for The Lord and give Him our best. There is much we have little or no control over but there’s also much that we do. In those areas, we have opportunities every day to help make the difference we wish to see everywhere. What happens in government is the same thing that’s been happening for thousands of years. “Render to Caesar those things that are Caesar’s and to The Lord, those things that are The Lord’s.”

Incorrect. This is a matter of conviction. This election is one of damage control. And I intend to do everything within my power to stop the damage that is currently being done to the reputation of this nation. America first. And that means Trump must go.


Yeah…I know. Biden and all of the corrupt people that would take over as soon as he’s elected, is certainly the better choice. Just stop. You’re better than this but you’re just ticked that things haven’t gone the direction in the party you’ve associated yourself with, the way you’d choose. Giving up is not the answer. It never has been and it isn’t now.

Exactly. This is a matter of conviction and a matter of faith for me. A matter of morality. A belief in ethics and integrity. Trump has proven his dangers are clear and present to the very foundation of our nation. He has dramatically accelerated our immoral decline. He must go.


^^^^^^^^^ birds of a feather ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^