Trump Pulls out of NK Summit

So they want war? What else could you be saying?

Kinda weird that our own president acts, many times, the way Kim does.

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The “gift” was the sitdown/talks. Thankfully they’re not going ahead anymore.

Bolton has explicitly said as much many times. He’s now the national security adviser to the President.

Trump doesn’t want war, he’s just got no ■■■■■■■ idea what he’s doing.

Did Kim start his madman act before or after Pompeo, Pence, and Bolton publicly suggested the outcome of these negotiations had to be complete and utter capitulation to every single US demand, else he faced a fate similar to that of Libya?

Before or after?

I will reiterate…EVEN IF you hold all the cards in a negotiation, if you wish to have a peaceful negotiated settlement with someone, you MUST include as part of the settlement a way for your negotiating opponent to save face.

Otherwise, you’re asking for a surrender and not a negotiated settlement.

And while the US holds a lot of cards over NK, it does NOT hold enough cards to ask for abject capitulation and get it peacefully.

If you think Pompeo, Pence, and Bolton don’t know this, you’re being foolish.

I think they do know this…and I think they knew that by taking this stance they would scuttle the talks while making it easy to blame Kim for it all at the same time.


Kim had benefitted by forging a renewed and stronger alliance, along with new trade, with China. I suspect that was his plan all along. To play Trump’s willingness to give him international recognition as an equal by agreeing to something no other President has agreed to do before. Legitimize him in the eyes of the world.

So Trump, Pompeo and Bolton are just insane, or blood thirsty war mongers, got it.

I’m sorry, I just don’t buy the notion that everyone else would love to have peace with a denuclearized North Korea, except Trump & Co, they want war, and they want to nuke North Korea…

I don’t know what their strategy right now is.

The only thing I know is that it is highly likely key officials in the Trump Administration did not want to have talks.

All the evidence points to that.

I made a point by point case as to why I believe that.

If you have another take on the evidence, please present it other than painting an extreme “just so” story.

You seem to be under the impression that Trump, Bolton and Pompeo are all on the same page. That’s never been the case in the Trump admin, there may be less factions today than in the past but they’re still there.

Bolton is literally legendary for being the hawkiest hawk of hawks. He has openly said he favors pre-emptive military strikes in N.Korea and Iran.

And Pompeo is also extremely hawkish, particularly on Iran, not sure about N.Korea though.

Read these two pieces, Grim. Then look at the author for both.

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@Cratic3947 - do you know the difference between socialism and communism? There are some key differences that allow socialist ideas to flourish in a capitalist society.

You are wasting your time. They don’t know anything about these difference forms of government or the differences between them. In my experience, they refuse to learn, either. So they just throw these labels around willy nilly.

It just makes them look like the ignoramuses we already know they are.

Nobel in play!

LOL. I can’t wait to hear this. Will you start the thread or shall I?

This is like a bad episode of the Kardashians.

You’ve been telling everybody that for 40 years

Why would I start a tread on it? It’s obvious many don’t understand the differences and never will. I have no problem with them going through life ignorant.

I’m not sure Greece, Italy, Spain and Argentina “flourished”… We known cuba and Venezuela don’t.

To educate us all.

Just wait. They’ll probably cancel and restart talks at least 3 more times (while Kim is getting another nuclear mountain spun up).

We’re watching keystone cops while thinking they’re great leaders.


Waiting with bated breath.