Trump promised 20 million vaccines by the end of the year

Holiday traveling was the cause for spike. Facts remain…we turned a corner. It’s all down hill from here.

Thanks Trump…


Texas started out by making 1b eligibility based on age (+65) or aggravating conditions like diabetes. Cuomo went with immediately giving the shots to young workers who had a risk of death of a fraction of 1 percent.
Seems to me Democrats like Cuomo wanted to use the death count to say how terrible Trump was but then when it came time for distribution they opted for a method that would not minimize the death count…as some actually put it because the aged were disproportionally white.

I’m scheduled for my first shot next Monday. Yay.


We called it in June as they prolonged the closures.

Whatever is going on now hadn’t had time to be fixed by vaccines.

Keep telling yourself that. I know how hard it is to give Trump credit for must serious pandemic in 100 plus years.

Even out economy is set to go roaring back…unless Harris/Biden admin ■■■■ that up too.

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I didn’t say they had. Wouldn’t know.
We will know shortly.

Why not?

14 and half million people got their vaccination. Should be more. Nearly 40 million people has antibodies in them…and countless more millions that have it and don’t know about it.

The worm had turned…Thanks to Trump.


Only 7.5% of the population has been infected … without the benefit of a vaccine.

Wow! New Jersey’s death rate is ten times that of Hawaii! I wonder what attributes to that.

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15.6M as of today. Average is back up to 806,716 doses per day - no more holidays!

NY finally joined the Million Arms club.

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I don’t care who gets credit, I just hope the trend continues down.

The states mismanagement of the crisis in the very early days. That’s a no brainer.

Have deaths under control now.


they were under control before. your governor, like cuomo used covid to lessen future nursing costs for the state, dead people are cheap.


yes you do. the reason blue states have remained locked down and made getting a shot a complicated mess was to ensure it got “fixed” by biden. whats a few dead people to leftists when power is on the line? they were never anything but props for the left to begin with.


What do you mean by “under control”? Has New Jersey run out of old and medically vulnerable people now that so many of them have died?


The state of New Jersey can control death?

The death curve that happened at beginning of the pandemic in jersey has been flattened significantly.


That does not answer my question.