Trump picks Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court

This is Donald Trump. What rock have you been living under?

What do you mean?

Surprised. Its a good read. I usually go to Brit papers for news, good reads.

Its important he not look at words like “freedom, liberty, property,happiness” and decide to redefine them to legislate from the bench.

Once you have a contract, its morally wrong to change the meaning of the words to get out of it.

He won’t do that.

The idea he will overturn Roe Wade etc., is wrong. That’s not what originalists look to do. They look to see if something is constitutional.

The lefts fear actually indicates THEY don’t think those laws are constitutional.

I like Rand Paul. I don’t like data mining.

But don’t see how it violates the fourth amendment, its public information.

read the thread.

As far as I can see, it’s a great pick.

He’s experienced. He’s conservative, but not far-right material. He has shown independent streaks.

I was extremely expressed by his speech. He talked about being all-inclusive and being a judge for everybody.

This obviously would tick off Ted Cruz. In fact, Cruz disliking him makes me like him even more.

Looks like the Dems will not be grilling him about Roe, but about the ability to hold Presiden’t accountable for bad behavior.

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What did Cruz say about him?

I’m enjoying some tweets from the hysterical left. This is one of my favorites so far. Over reacting much? :joy:

Don’t care about him. Nothing he will rule on will affect my life.

I only see him ruling against things that hurt the Forgotten Man as typical Conservative Justices always do.

Dumbest suggestion I have heard yet. If even a couple of them sacrificed themselves to block this nominee, then conservative Republicans would be unstoppable in making the selections they wanted after the election.

It’s not about political strategy…or gasp, did you just admit it was never about what’s right, but what is politically expedient? LOL whoaa

Same old alinskie crap. Accuse them of crimes your doing.

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The point is, as a strategy it doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. It does not stop a conservative judge from winding up on the court. If you are in favor of Dem Senators making a futile, stupid gesture that would maybe feel good for a second but be detrimental to the left in the long run then fine…I am for their doing that too.

Why are you changing the point? Isnt it the right thing to do…to wait? Or are you going to keep digging your hole admitting it has been and will be about politics?

So far as I can see, putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court _is_the right thing to do.

Things can change very quickly again in 2 1/2 years. Many more R’s are up for re-election, as is Trump. The D’s might control all three branches then.

Alito, Thomas, could both drop dead after that.

There will always be vacancies on the Court that need to be filled.

Hard to say what Manchin and the other red staters will do. They will either anger the liberals in their states by voting for Kavanaugh, or the conservatives by voting no.

Of course, since Trump won those states by large margins there are way more R voters than Ds. So it’s a no win for them.

So it’s not the right thing to do to let the people speak this November???

He will be confirmed before November elections. But I’m not totally against your idea. No better way to energize the Rs than have a Scotus pick hanging in the balance.

If you want to blame someone, how about Chuck Schumer? He allowed himself to be goaded into filibustering Gorsuch, which led to McConnell nuking the filibuster (after Harry Reid set the first precedent)

He did so for purely partisan reasons, not because Gorsuch was not qualified. And in that case, the Gorsuch nomination was not going to affect the balance of the court. It was one conservative replacing another.

And here we are a year later, Rs have one less Senate seat, and if the filibuster was still around it is highly, highly unlikely Rs would agree to nuke it now.

It was a very stupid and futile move by Schumer more than a year ago that now leaves Ds helpless to stop Kavanaigh’s confirmation. Only a couple of Rs could do so now, and I think that’s unlikely.