Trump overachieving by liberal standards

whataboutism. whataboutism. whataboutism. whataboutism.

Whataboutism = an intellectual integrity check

The Trump acolytes will excuse any and all reprehensible behaviour from Trump.

Let there be no doubt that “when you’re a star, they LET YOU DO IT” is NOT consent.

It is a statement that his behavior was consensual. So whoever told you that was an admission of assault lied to you.

No matter how many times you try to convince someone to the contrary, it will never be consent. Trump knew that when he tried to recant by suggesting it was only “locker room talk”.

English language
“Let” = “allow”

I know that must shock you that the liberal media lied to you but try to get over it. No assault occured and no assault was admitted.

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It’s a statement of a sexual predator who thinks what he’s doing is consensual because he gets away with it and calls the over a dozen women liars who he’ll sue, and doesn’t, when he becomes president.

And even then it could just be him saying he thinks it’s consensual to convince others because he wants it to be true.

I use the Oxford dictionary; but it is no import. As outlined in Trump’s own words no consent was given. It is quite mind numbing what Trump acolytes will accept as reasonable behaviour.

So… where are the assault charges? When is the trial?

I presume you are an American citizen;so the answer to your question should be self-evident.

Right. The accusations held no water. They were political slander only. Otherwise, the president would be defending himself against assault charges in court.

Non sequitur alert.


Please provide the quote where I argue that the MOON is not an integral part of going to the MOON.

Thank you for your concern. We’ll take it under advisement.

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Make America Covfefe Again :north_korea::venezuela::ru:

And staying in the White House and working over the Holidays, while the
Democrat Politicians are taking vacations in places like Puerto Rico, and pandering to their Lobbyst friends, and donors like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Maybe we should ask the richest man in the world?

What say you Buzzy Buzz Buzz Jeffrey? :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:
Those darn 1 percenters!

Or we could always listen to what the Socialist Bernie Sanders has to say about rich millionaire Politicians that he hates so much, and yet he is a Millionaire! lmao!!!

How many times and how much has it cost for D Trump’s golf days during his tenure as president?

As a supplementary question, how much has that expense to Trump and family owned companies?

I feel comforted by the idea that given some horrible life shortening disease or accident I am gonna outlast insufferable baby boomers by 2 decades.

Trump doesn’t golf.

Obama golfed too.

Trump works when he golfs.

Trump golfs to get away from the deep state.

Trump is cool. Golf is lucky to have Trump.

Pick one they’re all good.