Trump Orders Declassification

Apparently transparency is unAmerican according to libs.

To document that you recognize your decision will be open to scrutiny, memorialize you are aware there is a book that needs to be followed, and gasp, acknowledge your decision is on thin ice.

I’m sorry but lawyers and powerful people literally do this every day. Judges do it every time they rule on something which they know could later be reversed because the decision is on “thin ice”. It’s amazing this has to be explained.

You don’t get to be a person in Susan rice’s position and not make decisions that are “on thin ice.” Why do you think trump orders Rosenstein to write a memo “documenting” the grounds for firing Comey? Take a wild stab at that one.

If you are doing something “by the book” you just do it by the book. You don’t email yourself, thus establishing documentation, that you are doing it “by the book”.
Why is this so hard to explain?

Are you seriously arguing that if somebody documents that they did something by the book, that is evidence they didn’t do it by the book?

My god. Have you ever read a police report? Hint - it’s not a creative writing exercise.

Contemporaneous memos. LibSpeak for “Covering my Ass” and creating a false narrative.

Absolutely it’s a cover your ass. It’s literally called “cya” and you are a ■■■■■■■ idiot if you don’t do it.


You haven’t spent much time in white collar jobs, have you?

When you’re working in politics, or law, or even just big business - you document everything - and always cover your ass. There are always people looking to take you down.


Big words! Lib speak! Arghhh!


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Why did trump order rosenstein to write a memo? What was up with that? Do you think trumps layers maybe recommended he do that? I’d love to hear your take.

Five police reports. Four just go through the normal procedure. One says they intend to do the investigation “by the book”. I know which one I am going to look at more carefully.

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I was an auditor for the DoD for 30 years. I wrote many reports, some very sensitive. Some becoming court cases. I never started out a review documenting to the world that I intended to do the investigation “by the book”.


Well, there you have it folks. If Doug hasn’t done it, then no one should. Case closed, we can shut down this forum.

I am in a somewhat similar line of work where my job needs to document everything but hairy incidents where big decisions need to be made have to be documented in detail so that down the line, if some ■■■■■■■ decides to question what I did and why, it’s all right there in black and white, made at the time of incident. Not a hard concept to grasp, unless a person has partisan blinders on.

And you never left a paper trail to cover your ass, in case someone tried to ■■■■ with you at some point down the line?

I always left a paper (or rather, in later years, electronic paper) trail of what I did. To the best of my ability it was always “by the book”. I just never started out an assignment literally stating that I intended to be honest or that I intended to do everything “by the book”. I just did it that way and let the facts speak for themselves.
I would consider starting out a review by documenting that I intended to do it “by the book” as a strange thing to do. Why would I even say that?
Its like starting out your week at the bank documenting that you did not intend to embezzle any money that week.


Not a hard concept to grasp and not what we are talking about. How many assignments do you start out by documenting literally saying “I intend to do this assignment honestly”?

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I guess you’ve never been second guessed for a honest work decision you’ve ever made.

That’s not even close to what Rice said in her email.

“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book’. The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”

She documented a meeting because she knew that people like you would question it. She emailed it to herself so there was a timestamp.

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Nice deflection, this thread Sneak started is about declassification.

It’s ok, they’re scared.